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PHP - Move a file into a different folder on the server

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How do you move a file to a folder on a server?

Drag the files you selected to the folder you want to move them to. The files will automatically move to that location. Now when you navigate to the folder you will see the files in that directory.

How do I move a file to a different directory?

Right-click the file or folder you want, and from the menu that displays click Move or Copy. The Move or Copy window opens. Scroll down if necessary to find the destination folder you want. If you need to, click on any folder you see to access its subfolders.

How can save file in specific folder in php?

php $target_Path = "images/"; $target_Path = $target_Path. basename( $_FILES['userFile']['name'] ); move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'], $target_Path ); ?> when the file(image) is saved at the specified path...

The rename function does this

docs rename

rename('image1.jpg', 'del/image1.jpg');

If you want to keep the existing file on the same place you should use copy

docs copy

copy('image1.jpg', 'del/image1.jpg');

If you want to move an uploaded file use the move_uploaded_file, although this is almost the same as rename this function also checks that the given file is a file that was uploaded via the POST, this prevents for example that a local file is moved

docs move_uploaded_file

$uploads_dir = '/uploads';
foreach ($_FILES["pictures"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
    if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        $tmp_name = $_FILES["pictures"]["tmp_name"][$key];
        $name = $_FILES["pictures"]["name"][$key];
        move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "$uploads_dir/$name");

code snipet from docs

Use the rename() function.

rename("user/image1.jpg", "user/del/image1.jpg");

If you want to move the file in new path with keep original file name. use this:

$source_file = 'foo/image.jpg';
$destination_path = 'bar/';
rename($source_file, $destination_path . pathinfo($source_file, PATHINFO_BASENAME));

I using shell read all data file then assign to array. Then i move file in top position.

for file in /home/*.gz; do
mv -f "${arr[0]}" /var/www/html/