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PHP Gettext - No translation

I am trying to use the PHP gettext extension in order to translate some strings. All functions appear to return the correct values but calling gettext()/_() returns the original string only. The PO/MO files seem correct and I believe I have set the directories up correctly. I am running WAMP Server with PHP 5.3.10 on Windows (also tried running 5.3.4 and 5.3.8 because I have the installations).

Firstly, see /new2/www/index.php:

$locale = 'esn'; # returns Spanish_Spain.1252 in var dump

putenv("LC_ALL={$locale}"); // Returns TRUE
setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); // Returns 'Spanish_Spain.1252'

$domain = 'messages';
bindtextdomain($domain, './locale'); // Returns C:\wamp\www\new2\www\locale
bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8'); // Returns UTF-8
textdomain($domain); // Returns'messages'

print gettext("In the dashboard"); // Prints the original text, not the translation.

I have created the following file structure:


I have also tried replacing Spanish_Spain.1252 with: es_ES, esn, esp, Spanish, and Spanish_Spain.

The PO file used to generate the MO is like so (only the relevant entry given):

#: C:\wamp\www\new2/www/index.php:76
msgid "In the dashboard"

This was generated using PoEdit. I have restarted Apache after adding any new .MO file. Also note that I was previously using Zend_Translate with Gettext and it was translating correctly. I wish to rely on the native gettext extension, though, in part because I am attempting to create a lightweight framework of my own.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Amended directory structure. Note - will be able to try recent answers within 24hrs.

like image 493
pb149 Avatar asked May 07 '12 18:05


2 Answers

I set this up on my XAMPP instance and figure it out.

  • Flat out setlocale does not work on Windows, so what it returns is irrelevant.
  • For Windows you set the locale using the standard language/country codes (in this case es_ES is Spanish as spoken in Spain)
  • Under your locale directory create es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/. This where your messages.mo file lives.

    $locale = 'es_ES'; 
    putenv("LC_ALL={$locale}"); // Returns TRUE
    $domain = 'messages';
    bindtextdomain($domain, './locale'); 
    bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8'); 
    textdomain($domain); // Returns'messages'
    print gettext("In the dashboard"); 

I am not sure if this made a different, but I did two things when creating the po file. In poEdit under File -> Preferences I changed the Line ending format to Windows. And after I created the initial po with poEdit I opened the file in Notepad++ and switched the encoding type to UTF-8 as poEdit did not do this.

I hope this at least points you in the right direction.


PHP Localization Tutorial on Windows

Country Codes

Language Codes

like image 101
Robin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09


Your code mentions this as the return value from bindtextdomain:


With the setlocale of Spanish_Spain.1252 and textdomain of messages, calls to gettext will look in this path:


But you created the file structure of:

         www/ missing here


Okay, so that didn't help. I've created a test script on Windows and using POEdit like you:

$locale = "Dutch_Netherlands.1252";
putenv("LC_ALL=$locale"); // 'true'
setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale); // 'Dutch_Netherlands.1252'
bindtextdomain("messages", "./locale"); // 'D:\work\so\l10n\locale'
textdomain("messages"); // 'messages'

echo _("Hello world"); // 'Hallo wereld'

My folder structure is like this:


Hope it helps, although it looks almost identical to yours. A few things I found online:

  • It's important to set the character set in .po file
  • Spaces inside the localization file might have a UTF8 alternative, so be wary of key lookups failing. Probably the best thing to test first is keys without spaces at all.
like image 40
Ja͢ck Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
