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php function for get all mondays within date range




Example: $startDate is Monday 2007-02-05 and $endDate is Tuesday 2007-02-20. Then I want it to list:

Monday 2007-02-05
Monday 2007-02-12
Monday 2007-02-19

I looked at the PHP manual and found this to get all the days between two dates. But how to do it the way i want? PHP Code:

like image 410
Nisha Avatar asked Aug 15 '11 04:08


People also ask

How can I get the number of days between two given dates in PHP?

The date_diff() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to calculate the difference between two dates. This function returns a DateInterval object on the success and returns FALSE on failure.

How can I limit date in PHP?

This works: $start_date = "2011-05-15"; $end_date = "2011-07-07"; $dates = array(); $stop = strtotime($end_date); for($i = strtotime($start_date); $i <= $stop; $i += 86400) $dates[] = date('Y-m-d', $i); @mocca 86400 is the number of seconds in one day.

How can I get last Monday date in PHP?

Just use the date relative format: $date = new DateTime("last monday"); What would be the last Monday that passed. The strtotime function accepts a string, in the format "US English date", and parse it into a timestamp , making it possible to add dates, get specific days, and count other features.

How can I get the difference between two dates in PHP?

$date1 = "2007-03-24"; $date2 = "2009-06-26"; $diff = abs(strtotime($date2) - strtotime($date1)); $years = floor($diff / (365*60*60*24)); $months = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24) / (30*60*60*24)); $days = floor(($diff - $years * 365*60*60*24 - $months*30*60*60*24)/ (60*60*24)); printf("%d years, %d months, %d ...

2 Answers

Rather than get all days and loop through them all, get the first Monday after the start date and then iterate 7 days at a time:

$endDate = strtotime($endDate);
for($i = strtotime('Monday', strtotime($startDate)); $i <= $endDate; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
    echo date('l Y-m-d', $i);
like image 137
Paul Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09


I needed the same and created a simple method.

public function getMondaysInRange($dateFromString, $dateToString)
    $dateFrom = new \DateTime($dateFromString);
    $dateTo = new \DateTime($dateToString);
    $dates = [];

    if ($dateFrom > $dateTo) {
        return $dates;

    if (1 != $dateFrom->format('N')) {
        $dateFrom->modify('next monday');

    while ($dateFrom <= $dateTo) {
        $dates[] = $dateFrom->format('Y-m-d');
        $dateFrom->modify('+1 week');

    return $dates;

Then use it.

$dateFromString = '2007-02-05';
$dateToString = '2007-02-20';
var_dump($this->getMondaysInRange($dateFromString, $dateToString));


array (size=3)
  0 => string '2007-02-05' (length=10)
  1 => string '2007-02-12' (length=10)
  2 => string '2007-02-19' (length=10)

Maybe it will be helpful for somebody.

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Stafox Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
