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Different WCF Bindings, their differences and compatibility with other platforms







I am looking for some good technical details on Topic of WCF bindings, I am interested to know following things.

  1. List of Different WCF Bindings with its special purpose and limitation.
  2. Compatibility/Interoperability with other platform like consuming WCF service in Java, PHP client. Which binding is supported and which is not.
  3. If I want to get/post secure data through service API which binding should I use if client application is in Java or Php ?

I have browsed through different material over internet but it is not in detail and somewhat scattered. Waiting for some good responses.

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MSUH Avatar asked Jun 01 '12 12:06


People also ask

What are WCF bindings?

Bindings (WCF) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) separates how the software for an application is written from how it communicates with other software. Bindings are used to specify the transport, encoding, and protocol details required for clients and services to communicate with each other.

What is default binding in WCF?

Default binding WCF allows you to use a default binding that affects all endpoints of all services of the application that uses the config file. A default binding is simply a nameless binding section. For example, in the case of TCP: <netTcpBinding> <binding transactionFlow = "true" /> </netTcpBinding>

Which of the following WCF binding is used for cross machine communication on the Internet?

NetMsmqBinding. This binding provides secure and reliable queued communication for cross-machine environment. Queuing is provided by using MSMQ as transport.

1 Answers

Choosing the right WCF binding

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  1. BasicHttpBinding: Basic web service communication. Exposes WCF services as legacy ASMX web services. Used for interoperability. No security by default.
  2. WSHttpBinding: Web services with WS-* support. Supports transactions and reliable messaging.
  3. WSDualHttpBinding: Web services with duplex contract and transaction support.
  4. WSFederationHttpBinding: Web services with federated security. Supports transactions.
  5. MsmqIntegrationBinding: Communication directly with MSMQ applications. Supports transactions.
  6. NetMsmqBinding: Communication between WCF applications by using queuing. Supports transactions.
  7. NetNamedPipeBinding: Communication between WCF applications on same computer. Supports duplex contracts and transactions.
  8. NetPeerTcpBinding: Communication between computers across peer-to-peer services. Supports duplex contracts.
  9. NetTcpBinding: Communication between WCF applications across computers. Supports duplex contracts and transactions.
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Pranay Rana Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10

Pranay Rana