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Extend interface to an abstract class




I have an interface (move) that should move some shapes.

interface Move { move(); }
abstract class Shape : Move

class Circle : Shape
class Square : Shape
class Triangle : Shape

My doubt is, I must have an interface which moves Shapes but only Circle and Triangle should be able to be moved, so how do I "remove" the interface from Square? Should I remove the interface from Shape and add it manually on Circle and Triangle? I'm kinda confused with this. Hope someone can help me out.

like image 498
sok Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 12:10


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2 Answers

You should setup your classes like this:

interface IMovable { move(); } 
abstract class Shape : { } 

class Circle : Shape, IMovable { } 
class Square : Shape { } 
class Triangle : Shape, IMovable { } 

If not every shape can be moved then Shape must not implement the interface. Also note I renamed your interface to IMovable, it's not a huge deal but it's more accepted and a better naming convention.

like image 137
Mike Perrenoud Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Mike Perrenoud

You can't remove an interface from an inheritance tree.

What you model appears to need two abstract classes - Shape and MovableShape.

interface IMove { move(); } 
abstract class Shape : {} 
abstract class MovableShape : IMove, Shape {} 

class Circle : MovableShape{}
class Square : Shape{}
class Triangle : MovableShape{}
like image 27
Oded Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10
