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PHP equivalent of .Net Entity Framework [closed]


I like and I am so comfortable with EF provided by .Net wherein I can code first and database tables are generated by the framework itself etc. I am now coding a personal site using PHP. Is there any equivalent thing in PHP which will make my life easier. I cannot choose .Net for personal site. That answer is out :(.

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Ravi Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 19:10


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Is Ado net faster than entity framework?

Entity framework is ORM Model, which used LINQ to access database, and code is autogenerated whereas Ado.net code is larger than Entity Framework. Ado.net is faster than Entity Framework.

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MySQL Connector/NET integrates support for Entity Framework 6 (EF6), which now includes support for cross-platform application deployment with the EF 6.4 version.

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nHibernate supports all types of databases but Entity framework need additional connectors to support databases other than MSSQL. nHibernate can be extended in terms of data loading, SQL generation, custom column types, custom collections etc but entity framework has limited extension points.

1 Answers

With "Code-First" approach, Doctrine:

Article: Code First Approaching PHP with Doctrine 2.2.1 and Composer.

Official Website: http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/orm.html

You can check also other popular PHP ORMs, but I'm not sure if you could do "code-first approach" as Doctrine:



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Wagner Leonardi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Wagner Leonardi