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Run custom ROM on Android Emulator


I downloaded a third-party ROM, and I want to run it on the emulator first before flash it into the phone. Here is the contents of cm-11-20140911-NIGHTLY-p3110.zip:

 1. boot.img
 2. file_contexts
 4. recovery/
 5. system/

I unpacked boot.img using the script unpack-bootimg.pl and get boot.img-kernel, and boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz. Then I repacked the system using the make_ext4fs and got system.img.

I created an AVD and execute:

emulator -system ~/cm11/system_new.img -ramdisk ~/cm11/boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz -kernel ~/cm11/boot.img-kernel -avd and442

but all I got is nothing, the emulator screen is just black. There is no log message from adb -s emulator-5554.

Now I am confused:

  • can the third-party ROM be tested by the emulator?
  • Am I doing the right way?
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Mike Phoenix Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 01:09

Mike Phoenix

People also ask

Can we install custom ROM on Android emulator?

I recommend you to create one profile for each Android version you want to run (so : you just have to change the ID, and create same profile). If you don't, you won't be able to run custom ROMs using other versions of Android (ie your AVD profile is 2.3 and you run a 2.1 custom ROM).

Can we install custom ROM on emulator?

It is also impossible to import a custom ROM of Android into Genymotion, or modify the current ROM, for technical and legal reasons. So, you can't import and use CyanogenMod in Genymotion.

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However, the heap size should not be less than 12 MB. o Depending on your computer specs, the recommended ram size is in the range between 512 MB – 1024 MB. Although you can give more ram to the emulator but an actual android device would normally have 512 MB – 1024 MB for ram only.

How do I import files to Android emulator?

Go to "Device File Explorer" which is on the bottom right of android studio. If you have more than one device connected, select the device you want from the drop-down list on top. mnt>sdcard is the location for SD card on the emulator. Right click on the folder and click Upload.

How do I run an emulator with a custom ROM?

Run terminal, go to Android SDK folder/tools/ (if you didn't close your current terminal, you're already in and run this command to run emulator WITH your custom ROM : Wait and enjoy ! (?) First boot is long - it's NORMAL. Just like on a real device, the OS will be cached and will work faster and faster.

Can I run custom ROMs on other versions of Android?

If you don't, you won't be able to run custom ROMs using other versions of Android (ie your AVD profile is 2.3 and you run a 2.1 custom ROM). 9.

How do I run a ROM file on a phone?

To run a ROM file for a phone you'd need to change the emulator to emulate the specific hardware of that phone. This is next to impossible without the support of the device manufacturer, and would need to be repeated for each device.

How do I run an Android emulator without running the app?

Launch the Android Emulator without first running an app. To start the emulator: Open the AVD Manager. Double-click an AVD, or click Run. The Android Emulator loads. While the emulator is running, you can run Android Studio projects and choose the emulator as the target device.

1 Answers

Yeah, why not.

We can flash a third-party ROM on Android AVD. But first you must know the following things:

1. The Android Emulator is itself a device, like your Moto G or Xperia

2. Every ROM is device-specific (supports a device-specific Kernel)

(on many sites/blogs you got information like you have to replace system.img file from .android\avd\avdname.avd, but it is technically incorrect, because you also require ramdisk.img.)

To do this, you need to create your own AOSP repository by downloading the particular repository and have to build your own .img files)

  • You can do it in two ways:
  1. replace files system.img and ramdisk.img from location .android\avd\avdname.avd

  2. Build your own AOSP. Before... make in "lunch" select target as: Emulator (like: genericX86), i.e., generate all emulator specific .img files

I have tried many things. It's a bit critical, but interesting. The following links may help you:

To run your cooked ROM on Emulator (link down. Try this, from archive.org).

To Create AOSP Project

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Sanket Prabhu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Sanket Prabhu