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PHP CMS with powerful in-place editing? [closed]

I'm looking for a good, clean PHP-based CMS that has as powerful in-place editing functions as Apostrophe which is great, but out of the question because of its strong reliance on Symphony and command-line tools that I can't use for this project. (As discussed in this question, with a nice contribution from one of Apostrophe's developers! You don't get that every day.)

"In-place" means that almost all editing work (adding content, deleting content, managing media...) takes place in the front-end of the web site, with a small menu in the screen's corner leading to everything else.

Consequently executed, this is an extremely intuitive approach that is very easy to use for end-users a whole lot because of the "point-click-and-type" philosophy.

Does anybody have any solid recommendations?

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Pekka Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 17:09


3 Answers

Take a look at Concrete 5. It used to be proprietary but not anymore and is built using the Zend Framework.

Another CMS that has similar (if not better) functionality but is fairly new is ImpressPages.

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TKR Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11


Drupal has no seperate backend, all front end stuff. You can use admin panel to still create a good lookin admin panel in your front end though.

All content basically has the tabs - view - edit - revisions - translate

And any other action you can undertake, same with users.

Drupal's pro's are simple build(no MVC or OOP), large open source community, thousands of modules and module writing for Drupal isn't very complicated.

I see you tagged this wysywig, Drupal allows simple switching between editors and allowed input formats when editing content. :)

Hope this helps.

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Rakward Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11


Try out Pimcore. It provides inline editing and previewing each page in an easy manner.

  • Demo video of drag & drop interface
  • Demo video of editing a page

It's built on top of Zend Framework and pretty easy to extend.

"In-place" means that almost all editing work (adding content, deleting content, managing media...) takes place in the front-end of the web site [...]

Well, the admin is at /admin but there are "preview" buttons for the view of the page currently being edited, and the WYSIWYG does a very good job with keeping a similar layout of the actual layout of the page (i.e. inserting inputs and other form controls right on the elements).

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chelmertz Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11
