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Phonegap TTS Plugin Android not working

I am using the TTS Plugin from https://github.com/domaemon/org.apache.cordova.plugin.tts But the plugin does not seem to work. It does not even initialize.

Installed the plugin like below (PHONEGAP 3.3 )

phonegap plugin add https://github.com/domaemon/org.apache.cordova.plugin.tts.git
phonegap build android

Added the following in the phonegap config.xml

<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts" value="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts"/>

Added the following code in my javascript

window.plugins.tts.startup(startupWin, fail);
function startupWin(result) {
    console.log("Startup win");
    // When result is equal to STARTED we are ready to play
    if (result == TTS.STARTED) {
        window.plugins.tts.getLanguage(win, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.speak("The text to speech service is ready");
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("en_US", function() {
            addLang("en_US", "English (American)");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("en_GB", function() {
            addLang("en_GB", "English (UK)");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("fr", function() {
            addLang("fr", "French");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("de", function() {
            addLang("de", "German");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("it", function() {
            addLang("it", "Italian");
        }, fail);
        window.plugins.tts.isLanguageAvailable("es", function() {
            addLang("es", "Spanish");
        }, fail);

function addLang(loc, lang) {
    var langs = document.getElementById('langs');
    var langOption = document.createElement("OPTION") 
    langOption.innerText = lang; 
    langOption.value = loc;

function changeLang() {
    var yourSelect = document.getElementById('langs');
    window.plugins.tts.setLanguage(yourSelect.options[yourSelect.selectedIndex].value, win, fail);

function win(result) {

function fail(result) {
    console.log("Error = " + result);

function speak() {
    window.plugins.tts.speak("How are you");

But none of the console log messages are displayed. I am testing this on genymotion emulator.

like image 315
Kathir Avatar asked Mar 13 '14 01:03


1 Answers

After some struggle i have the TTS working. But there is still one issue i had to manually fix. Following are the steps to get the TTS Working

Install the plugin like below.

phonegap plugin add https://github.com/domaemon/org.apache.cordova.plugin.tts.git
phonegap build android

Once installed and built. Add this plugin to the phonegap config.xml file. ( If you are building the app using sencha touch, the config.xml will be in the root folder. )

<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts" value="org.apache.cordova.plugins.tts"/>

This will add the plugin to the final build. Now to start the TTS Service and speak some text, use the following snippet.

navigator.tts.startup(startupWin, fail);
function startupWin(result) {
    console.log("Startup win");
    // When result is equal to STARTED we are ready to play
    console.log("Result "+result);
    //TTS.STARTED==2 use this once so is answered
    if (result == 2) {
        navigator.tts.getLanguage(win, fail);
        navigator.tts.speak("The text to speech service is ready");                                     

function win(result) {

function fail(result) {
    console.log("Error = " + result);

The issue i had was the TTS.STARTED in the startupWin is not defined in the plugin. I just used the constant's value and the plugin works perfectly.

like image 96
Kathir Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
