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External links or url doesn't work on phonegap

I'm trying to develop an application using phonegap (1.1.0), xcode4 and jqtouch. The problem is that I can't open any external link. For example if I write an anchor tag with this href attribute:


when running the app and clicking on the link i get this error:

ERROR whitelist rejection: url='http://www.google.com/'

As reading into different forum the application should at least open the link into safari but it doesn't happen.

Another example. If I insert an image tag that refers to an online source like this (in this I use tomcat to upload the data)


it doesn't work too.

Is there any setting that I have to manage into xcode?

Any idea or advice would be very appreciate. Thanks.

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user993172 Avatar asked Oct 13 '11 10:10


2 Answers

I had this issue yesterday as well. The newer version of PhoneGap requires you to add external urls to the whitelist.

I found the solution here: Link

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Blackdynamo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


You have to add allowed URLs into PhoneGap.plist's (or Cordova.plist) ExternalHosts array.

For example, if you want to allow access to this URL http://www.myhost.com/path/file, then add www.myhost.com as a new entry to ExternalHosts array.

If you want to allow access to content on all the subdomain of Google (e.g. maps.google.com, mails.google.com), you can add *.google.com as a new entry to ExternalHosts array.

Attention when adding a host to the list! The small arrow needs to be pointing down BEFORE you click in the + signal

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AnhSirk Dasarp Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

AnhSirk Dasarp