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Phoenix: Ordering a query set

I'm [a noob] playing around with the Phoenix framework for fun and building a small twitter clone. I everything working, however, I want to order the tweets by the updated_at field (ascending). As you can see from tweet_controller, I have tried messing around with an order_by clause, but this did nothing for me.


How do I achieve this? Within the EEx or within the tweet_controller itself?


<div class="row">
  <%= for tweet <- @tweets do %>

  <h4><%= tweet.tweet %></h4>

  <% end %> 


alias TodoApp.Tweet

def index(conn, _params) do
  tweets = Repo.all(Tweet, order_by: tweet)
  render(conn, "index.html", tweets: tweets)
like image 976
plotplot Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 15:12


1 Answers

You need to use an Ecto Query:

query = from(t in Tweet, order_by: t.updated_at)
tweets = Repo.all(query)

You may want to consider defining a function in your Tweet model for the query.

def ordered(query) do
  from t in query,
    order_by: t.updated_at

You can also use the function syntax:

def ordered(query) do
  |> order_by([t], t.updated_at)

Then you can use this in your controller:

tweets = Tweet |> Tweet.ordered() |> Repo.all()

Here is a good post on queries: http://blog.drewolson.org/composable-queries-ecto/

like image 181
Gazler Avatar answered Feb 04 '23 16:02
