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PhantomJS click a link on a page

I have written some parts of a PhantomJS application. I am parsing on a website where I am writing username and password to a formular. After this I have to click on a link. Whereas I get this error:

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'myLink.click()')


This is my PhantomJS code:

if(document.getElementById("m_Content_submitbtn2").getAttribute('data-role') == "button"){
        var myLink = document.getElementById("m_Content_submitbtn2");   

And this is my link:

<div class='button'><a href="#" data-role="button" tabindex='0' onclick='WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;m$Content$submitbtn2&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, true)); return false;' id="m_Content_submitbtn2">Log ind</a></div>&nbsp;
like image 707
mikkeljuhl Avatar asked Nov 23 '12 23:11


2 Answers

You are attempting to use the click() method on an <a> element which is not supported in all browser by default. Instead try using something like this where instead of myLink.click(); you will have to do eventFire(myLink, 'click');.

like image 135
Martijn Hols Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Martijn Hols

Or include jQuery and do something like:

var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://www.sample.com', function() {
  page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
    page.evaluate(function() {
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two7s_clash Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11
