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Is !0 and !1 something more than a shorthand for true/false? [duplicate]

Reading through some code, I came across the use of !0 and !1. I realize that these are shorter ways of writing true and false.

!0 === true
!1 === false

This of course save a few bytes, but is there some other reason to use it?

Is there a name for this way of writing it?

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Christofer Eliasson Avatar asked Sep 01 '12 21:09

Christofer Eliasson

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1 Answers

Most JavaScript minification tools, like UglifyJS, generate that code because it's shorter and semantically equivalent. For example, given:

var x = true;
if (x) { 

UglifyJS will generate var x=!0;x&&alert(x).

Usually, you don't need to write code using that style; let the minifiers do their work :-).

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João Silva Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

João Silva