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Persistent: CRUD TypeClass

I am trying to write a typeclass that simplifies writing a CRUD backend using persistent, aeson and scotty

Here is my idea:

runDB x = liftIO $ do info <- mysqlInfo
                      runResourceT $ SQL.withMySQLConn info $ SQL.runSqlConn x

class (J.FromJSON a, J.ToJSON a, SQL.PersistEntity a) => CRUD a where
    getBasePath :: a -> String
    getCrudName :: a -> String

    getFromBody :: a -> ActionM a
    getFromBody _ = do body <- jsonData
                       return body

    mkInsertRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkInsertRoute el =
        do post (fromString ((getBasePath el) ++ "/" ++ (getCrudName el))) $ do
                body <- getFromBody el
                runDB $ SQL.insert body
                json $ J.Bool True

    mkUpdateRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkDeleteRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkGetRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkGetAllRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()

This doesn't compile, I get this error:

Could not deduce (SQL.PersistEntityBackend a
                  ~ Database.Persist.GenericSql.Raw.SqlBackend)
from the context (CRUD a)
  bound by the class declaration for `CRUD'
  at WebIf/CRUD.hs:(18,1)-(36,36)
Expected type: SQL.PersistEntityBackend a
  Actual type: SQL.PersistMonadBackend
                 (SQL.SqlPersist (Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT IO))
In the second argument of `($)', namely `SQL.insert body'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: runDB $ SQL.insert body
In the second argument of `($)', namely
  `do { body <- getFromBody el;
        runDB $ SQL.insert body;
        json $ J.Bool True }'

It seems like I have to add another type-constraint, something like PersistMonadBackend m ~ PersistEntityBackend a, but I don't see how.

like image 900
agrafix Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 09:04


1 Answers

The constraint means that the associated backend type for a PersistEntity instance needs to be SqlBackend, so when a user implements the PersistEntity class as part of implementing the CRUD class they will need to specify that.

From your point of view, you just need to enable the TypeFamilies extension and add that constraint to your class definition:

class ( J.FromJSON a, J.ToJSON a, SQL.PersistEntity a
      , SQL.PersistEntityBackend a ~ SQL.SqlBackend
      ) => CRUD a where

When defining an instance of PersistEntity for some type Foo, the user of CRUD will need to define the PersistEntityBackend type to be SqlBackend:

instance PersistEntity Foo where
    type PersistEntityBackend Foo = SqlBackend

Here's my complete copy of your code that passes the GHC type-checker:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Conduit
import Data.String ( fromString )
import qualified Database.Persist.Sql as SQL
import Web.Scotty

-- incomplete definition, not sure why this instance is now needed
-- but it's not related to your problem
instance MonadLogger IO

-- I can't build persistent-mysql on Windows so I replaced it with a stub
runDB x = liftIO $ runResourceT $ SQL.withSqlConn undefined $ SQL.runSqlConn x

class ( J.FromJSON a, J.ToJSON a, SQL.PersistEntity a
      , SQL.PersistEntityBackend a ~ SQL.SqlBackend
      ) => CRUD a where

    getBasePath :: a -> String
    getCrudName :: a -> String

    getFromBody :: a -> ActionM a
    getFromBody _ = do body <- jsonData
                       return body

    mkInsertRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkInsertRoute el =
        do post (fromString ((getBasePath el) ++ "/" ++ (getCrudName el))) $ do
                body <- getFromBody el
                runDB $ SQL.insert body
                json $ J.Bool True

    mkUpdateRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkDeleteRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkGetRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
    mkGetAllRoute :: a -> ScottyM ()
like image 87
GS - Apologise to Monica Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11

GS - Apologise to Monica