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Permutation of string as substring of another

Given a string A and another string B. Find whether any permutation of B exists as a substring of A.

For example,

if A = "encyclopedia"

if B="dep" then return true as ped is a permutation of dep and ped is a substring of A.

My solution->

if length(A)=n and length(B)=m

I did this in 0((n-m+1)*m) by sorting B and then checking A 
with window size of m each time.

I need to find a better and a faster solution.

like image 861
user2826957 Avatar asked Mar 29 '14 21:03


2 Answers

This answer proposes a fixed implementation of the idea proposed by @Ephraim in his own answer.

The original answer confuses the multiplication property of a given set of primes with addition. The fixed statement would be:

Let S = {A_1, ..., A_n} be a multiset list of size N that contains only prime numbers. Let the product of the numbers in S equal some integer Q. Then S is the only possible entirely prime multiset of size N, whose elements can multiply to Q.

In order to avoid numerical overflows, the implementation uses infinite precision arithmetic based on the C++ library libgmpxx.

Under the assumption that the comparison between two numbers is in O(1), then the solution is in O(|A| + |B|). The previous assumption might actually not be the case for inputs where |B| is large enough. When |B| > |A| the function returns in O(1).


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <gmpxx.h>

static int primes[] =
            2,     3,     5,     7,    11,    13,    17,    19,    23,    29,
            31,    37,    41,    43,    47,    53,    59,    61,    67,    71,
            73,    79,    83,    89,    97,   101,   103,   107,   109,   113,
            127,   131,   137,   139,   149,   151,   157,   163,   167,   173,
            179,   181,   191,   193,   197,   199,   211,   223,   227,   229,
            233,   239,   241,   251,   257,   263,   269,   271,   277,   281,
            283,   293,   307,   311,   313,   317,   331,   337,   347,   349,
            353,   359,   367,   373,   379,   383,   389,   397,   401,   409,
            419,   421,   431,   433,   439,   443,   449,   457,   461,   463,
            467,   479,   487,   491,   499,   503,   509,   521,   523,   541,
            547,   557,   563,   569,   571,   577,   587,   593,   599,   601,
            607,   613,   617,   619,   631,   641,   643,   647,   653,   659,
            661,   673,   677,   683,   691,   701,   709,   719,   727,   733,
            739,   743,   751,   757,   761,   769,   773,   787,   797,   809,
            811,   821,   823,   827,   829,   839,   853,   857,   859,   863,
            877,   881,   883,   887,   907,   911,   919,   929,   937,   941,
            947,   953,   967,   971,   977,   983,   991,   997,  1009,  1013,
           1019,  1021,  1031,  1033,  1039,  1049,  1051,  1061,  1063,  1069,
           1087,  1091,  1093,  1097,  1103,  1109,  1117,  1123,  1129,  1151,
           1153,  1163,  1171,  1181,  1187,  1193,  1201,  1213,  1217,  1223,
           1229,  1231,  1237,  1249,  1259,  1277,  1279,  1283,  1289,  1291,
           1297,  1301,  1303,  1307,  1319,  1321,  1327,  1361,  1367,  1373,
           1381,  1399,  1409,  1423,  1427,  1429,  1433,  1439,  1447,  1451,
           1453,  1459,  1471,  1481,  1483,  1487,  1489,  1493,  1499,  1511,
           1523,  1531,  1543,  1549,  1553,  1559,  1567,  1571,  1579,  1583,
           1597,  1601,  1607,  1609,  1613,  1619

mpz_class prime_hash(std::string const &str, size_t start, size_t end)
    mpz_class hash(1);
    for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
        hash *= primes[(size_t) str.at(i)];
    return hash;

void print_all_permutations(std::string const &big, std::string const &small)
    const size_t big_len = big.length();
    const size_t small_len = small.length();

    if (small_len <= 0 || big_len < small_len) {
        // no possible permutation!

    // O(small_len)
    mpz_class small_hash = prime_hash(small, 0, small_len);
    mpz_class curr_hash = prime_hash(big, 0, small_len);

    // O(big_len)
    size_t left_idx = 0;
    do {

        if (curr_hash == small_hash) {
            std::cout << "Permutation `" << big.substr(left_idx, small_len)
                      << "' of `" << small
                      << "' at index " << left_idx
                      << " of `" << big
                      << "'." << std::endl;

        curr_hash /= primes[(size_t) big.at(left_idx)];

        if (left_idx + small_len < big_len) {
            curr_hash *= primes[(size_t) big.at(left_idx + small_len)];


    } while (left_idx + small_len < big_len);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // @user2826957's input
    print_all_permutations("encyclopedia", "dep");

    // @Ephraim's input
    print_all_permutations("abcdabcd", "abcd");

    // @Sam's input
    print_all_permutations("cbabadcbbabbc", "abbc");

    // @butt0s input
    print_all_permutations("", "");
    print_all_permutations("", "a");
    print_all_permutations("a", "");
    print_all_permutations("a", "a");

    return 0;

The example is compiled with:

~$ g++ permstr.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp -o run
~$ ./run
Permutation `ped' of `dep' at index 7 of `encyclopedia'.
Permutation `abcd' of `abcd' at index 0 of `abcdabcd'.
Permutation `bcda' of `abcd' at index 1 of `abcdabcd'.
Permutation `cdab' of `abcd' at index 2 of `abcdabcd'.
Permutation `dabc' of `abcd' at index 3 of `abcdabcd'.
Permutation `cbab' of `abbc' at index 0 of `cbabadcbbabbc'.
Permutation `cbba' of `abbc' at index 6 of `cbabadcbbabbc'.
Permutation `a' of `a' at index 0 of `a'.
like image 60
Patrick Trentin Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11

Patrick Trentin

There is a simpler solution to this problem which can be done in linear time.

Here: n = A.size (), m = B.size ()

The idea is to use hashing.

First we hash the characters of string B.

Suppose: B = "dep"

  • hash_B ['d'] = 1;
  • hash_B ['e'] = 1;
  • hash_B ['p'] = 1;

Now we run a loop over the string 'A' for each window of size 'm'.

Suppose: A = "encyclopedia"

First window of size 'm' will have characters {e, n, c}. We will hash them now.

  • win ['e'] = 1
  • win ['n'] = 1
  • win ['c'] = 1

Now we check if the frequency of each character from both the arrays (hash_B [] and win []) are same. Note: Maximum size of hash_B [] or win [] is 26.

If they are not same we shift our window.

After shifting the window we decrease the count of win ['e'] by 1 and increase the count of win ['y'] by 1.

  • win ['n'] = 1
  • win ['c'] = 1
  • win ['y'] = 1

During the seventh shift, the status of your win array is:

  • win ['p'] = 1;
  • win ['e'] = 1;
  • win ['d'] = 1;

which is same as the hash_B array. So, Print "SUCCESS" and exit.

like image 36
rsaha77 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
