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PermissionDenied: 403 IAM permission 'dialogflow.intents.list'

I'm trying to get the list of the intents in my Dialogflow agent using Dialogflow's V2 APIs but have been getting the following error:

PermissionDenied: 403 IAM permission 'dialogflow.intents.list' on 'projects/xxxx/agent' denied.

I adopted the following steps:

  1. I created a new agent(with V2 APIs enabled) and a new service account for it.
  2. I downloaded the JSON key and set my GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable to its path.

Following is my code:

import dialogflow_v2 as dialogflow



parent = client.project_agent_path('[PROJECT_ID]')

for element in client.list_intents(parent):

I have made various agents and service accounts and even changed the role from Admin to Client but can't figure out any solution. I tried the following solution but didnt' work

Tried Solution: DialogFlow PermissionDenied: 403 IAM permission 'dialogflow.sessions.detectIntent'

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Pranshu Dixit Avatar asked Sep 14 '18 12:09

Pranshu Dixit

2 Answers

There is no need for creating a new Agent. You can edit the existing agents IAM.

  1. In Dialogflow's console, go to settings ⚙ > under the general tab, you'll see the project ID section with a Google Cloud link to open the Google Cloud console > Open Google Cloud.
  2. In google cloud, go to IAM Admin > IAM under tab Members. Find the name of your agents and then click on edit.
  3. Give admin permissions to the agent to give permissions to list intent.
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Rishabh Batra Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Rishabh Batra

The problem lies in the IAM section of GCP. Probably you are making a POST request with a role that does not have the necessary authorizations.

  1. Look into your key.json file that contains the field "client_email"
  2. Proceed to the IAM page and set the relevant role with that email to a role that has posting capabilities. (e.g. Admin)

This solved my problem.

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BcK Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10