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Are the limits for Google Cloud's Always Free on a per-project or per-account basis?

Currently, Google Cloud Platform offers "1 non-preemptible f1-micro VM instance per month" amongst other things, for free, as part of its Always Free tier.

However, I can't determine if the limits assigned to the free tier, like the single f1-micro instance, are per-account (ie, for a single Google email address), or per-project.

Basically: if I make another GCP project under the same account, can I run another f1-micro for free, or will the second one cost me?

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Migwell Avatar asked Apr 11 '20 14:04


People also ask

Is Google Cloud free tier always free?

Free Tier: All Google Cloud customers can use select Google Cloud products—like Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery—free of charge, within specified monthly usage limits.

How many projects are you allowed to create with a free trial account of GCP?

You can create @ the max. 3 projects but however you can the G-suite admin to check if you can increase the number of projects created.

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There is a default bandwidth quota for each region that has data egress from Cloud Storage to Google services. This quota is 200 Gbps per project.

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Project limits Once your quota is reached, you can request an increase. If you have less than 30 projects remaining in your quota, you can see the number of projects you have remaining in your quota on the New Project page. For more information, see Managing project quotas.

1 Answers

The always free tier depends on the billing account

This means that this limits are shared by the different projects you have under the same billing account.

So what you were asking of having an additional VM on another project will not be free, however you can create another account and have this additional VM on this account and that one will be free.

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Soni Sol Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Soni Sol