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Permission checks from components in a React/Redux application

I'm trying to work with a team building a React application, and trying to figure out the best way to create a "higher-order" React component (one that wraps another) to perform Authentication in conjunction with the Redux data store.

My approach thus far has been to create a module that consists of a function that returns a new React component depending on whether or not there is an authenticated user.

export default function auth(Component) {

    class Authenticated extends React.Component {

        // conditional logic

            const isAuth = this.props.isAuthenticated;

            return (
                    {isAuth ? <Component {...this.props} /> : null}


    return connect(mapStateToProps)(Authenticated);


This makes it easy for other people on my team to specify whether or not a component requires certain permissions.

render() {
    return auth(<MyComponent />);

If you are performing role-based checks, this approach makes sense, as you may only have a few roles. In such a case, you could just call auth(<MyComponent />, admin).

Passing arguments becomes unwieldy for permissions-based checks. It may however be feasible to specify permissions at the component level as the components are being constructed (as well as manageable in a team environment). Setting static methods/properties seems like a decent solution, but, as far as I can tell, es6 classes export as functions, which don't reveal callable methods.

Is there a way to access the properties/methods of an exported React component such that they can be accessed from a containing component?

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Himmel Avatar asked Jun 23 '16 04:06


3 Answers

onEnter is great, and useful in certain situations. However, here are some common authentication and authorization problems onEnter does not solve:

  • Decide authentication/authorization from redux store data (there are some workarounds)
  • Recheck authentication/authorization if the store updates (but not the current route)

  • Recheck authentication/authorization if a child route changes underneath the protected route

An alternative approach is to use Higher Order Components.

You can use Redux-auth-wrapper provides higher-order components for easy to read and apply authentication and authorization constraints for your components.

  • To get child methods you can use:refs, callback and callback from refs

  • To get child props you can use:this.refs.child.props.some or compInstance.props.some

Example for methods and props:

class Parent extends Component {
        return (
                <Child ref="child" test={"prop of child"}/>
                <ChildTwo ref={c=>this._child2=c} test={"prop of child2"}/>
                <ChildThree returnComp={c=>this._child3=c} test={"prop of child3"}/>
                <input type="button" value="Check method of child" onClick={this.checkChildMethod}/>
                <input type="button" value="Check method of childTwo" onClick={this.checkChildMethod2}/>
                <input type="button" value="Check method of childThree" onClick={this.checkChildMethod3}/>

class Child extends Component {
        console.log('someMethod Child');
        return (<div>Child</div>);
class ChildTwo extends Component {
        console.log('someMethod from ChildTwo');
        return (<div>Child</div>);
class ChildThree extends Component {
        console.log('someMethod from ChildThree');
        return (<div>Child</div>);
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Kokovin Vladislav Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Kokovin Vladislav

This seems a very interesting possibility. I hit this question Googling the same issue, and this is a new library so I figured doesn't hurt to link it in case anyone else can be helped by it. I have not decided if I am going to go this route myself yet, as I am 15 minutes into the Google-palooza. It's called CASL.

Link to the Article Explaining the Library

Link to the Library

Example Code from the Library per request:

if (ability.can('delete', post)) {
  <button onClick={this.deletePost.bind(this}>Delete</button>

replaces something like:

if (user.role === ADMIN || user.auth && post.author === user.id) {
  <button onClick={this.deletePost.bind(this}>Delete</button>

Which in the article the author furthered with a custom component to get:

<Can run="delete" on={this.props.todo}>
  <button onClick={this.deleteTodo.bind(this}>Delete</button>

It basically allows the developer to be more declarative in their code for ease of use and maintainability.

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Daniel Brown Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Daniel Brown

If you use react-router, the recommended way to handle authorization is through the onEnter property in the Route component.

<Route path="/" component={Component} onEnter={Component.onEnter} />  

See the docs.

And it's also an answer to your question:

Is there a way to access the properties/methods of an exported React component such that they can be accessed from a containing component?

So just make them static properties/methods (like Component.onEnter).

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Diego Haz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Diego Haz