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Perl 6 and `multi method new`

I have a class Price that encapsulates an Int. I also would like it to have constructors for Num and Str. I thought I could do this by making Price::new a multi method with various type constraints, but this isn't the behavior I expected. It looks like Price.new is skipping the constructor altogether and going straight to BUILD, bypassing the casting logic.

I know from looking at other Perl 6 code that using multi method new is acceptable. However, I haven't been able to find an example of a polymorphic constructor with different type constraints. How do I rewrite this code to force it to use the casting logic in the constructor?


#!/usr/bin/env perl6 -w

use v6;

unit class Price:ver<0.0.1>;

class X::Price::PriceInvalid is Exception {
    has $.price;

    method message() {
        return "Price $!price not valid"

# Price is stored in cents USD
has $.price;

multi method new(Int $price) {
    say "Int constructor";
    return self.bless(:$price);

multi method new(Num $price) {
    say "Num constructor";
    return self.new(Int($price * 100));

multi method new(Str $price) {
    say "String constructor";
    $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => '');
    unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) {
    return self.new(Num($price));

submethod BUILD(:$!price) { say "Low-level BUILD constructor" }

method toString() {
    return sprintf("%.2f", ($!price/100));


#!/usr/bin/env perl6 -w

use v6;
use Test;

use-ok 'Price', 'Module loads';
use Price;

# test constructor with Int
my Int $priceInt = 12345;
my $priceIntObj = Price.new(price => $priceInt);
is $priceIntObj.toString(), '123.45',
    'Price from Int serializes correctly';

# test constructor with Num
my $priceNum = Num.new(123.45);
my $priceNumObj = Price.new(price => $priceNum);
is $priceNumObj.toString(), '123.45',
    'Price from Num serializes correctly';

# test constructor with Num (w/ extra precision)
my $priceNumExtra = 123.4567890;
my $priceNumExtraObj = Price.new(price => $priceNumExtra);
is $priceNumExtraObj.toString(), '123.45',
    'Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly';

# test constructor with Str
my $priceStr = '$123.4567890';
my $priceStrObj = Price.new(price => $priceStr);
is $priceStrObj.toString(), '123.45',
    'Price from Str serializes correctly';

# test constructor with invalid Str that doesn't parse
my $priceStrInvalid = 'monkey';
throws-like { my $priceStrInvalidObj = Price.new(price => $priceStrInvalid) }, X::Price::PriceInvalid,
    'Invalid string does not parse';


Output of PERL6LIB=lib/ perl6 t/price.t

ok 1 - Module loads
Low-level BUILD constructor
ok 2 - Price from Int serializes correctly
Low-level BUILD constructor
not ok 3 - Price from Num serializes correctly
# Failed test 'Price from Num serializes correctly'
# at t/price.t line 18
# expected: '123.45'
#      got: '1.23'
Low-level BUILD constructor
not ok 4 - Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly
# Failed test 'Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly'
# at t/price.t line 24
# expected: '123.45'
#      got: '1.23'
Low-level BUILD constructor
Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏\$123.4567890' (indicated by ⏏)
  in method toString at lib/Price.pm6 (Price) line 39
  in block <unit> at t/price.t line 30
like image 416
wbn Avatar asked Jun 10 '18 21:06


1 Answers

All of the new multi methods that you wrote take one positional argument.

:( Int $ )
:( Num $ )
:( Str $ )

You are calling new with a named argument though

:( :price($) )

The problem is that since you didn't write one that would accept that, it uses the default new that Mu provides.

If you don't want to allow the built-in new, you could write a proto method to prevent it from searching up the inheritance chain.

proto method new (|) {*}

If you want you could also use it to ensure that all potential sub-classes also follow the rule about having exactly one positional parameter.

proto method new ($) {*}

If you want to use named parameters, use them.

multi method new (Int :$price!){…}

You might want to leave new alone and use multi submethod BUILD instead.

multi submethod BUILD (Int :$!price!) {
    say "Int constructor";

multi submethod BUILD (Num :$price!) {
    say "Num constructor";
    $!price = Int($price * 100); 

multi submethod BUILD (Str :$price!) {
    say "String constructor";
    $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => '');
    unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) {
    $!price = Int($price * 100);

Actually I would always multiply the input by 100, so that 1 would be the same as "1" and 1/1 and 1e0.
I would also divide the output by 100 to get a Rat.

unit class Price:ver<0.0.1>;

class X::Price::PriceInvalid is Exception {
    has $.price;

    method message() {
        return "Price $!price not valid"

# Price is stored in cents USD
has Int $.price is required;

method price () {
    $!price / 100; # return a Rat

# Real is all Numeric values except Complex
multi submethod BUILD ( Real :$price ){
    $!price = Int($price * 100);

multi submethod BUILD ( Str :$price ){
    $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => '');
    unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) {
    $!price = Int($price * 100);

method Str() {
    return sprintf("%.2f", ($!price/100));
like image 112
Brad Gilbert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Brad Gilbert