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Performance test OpenLayers vs Leaflet

I would like to compare the performance between OpenLayers and Leaflet. I want to test things like which is the fastest to render vector files, basemaps, show a massive amount of markers etc.

I can set up this examples myself, but I don't how to actually measure the difference in speed between them?

Where can I see how long it actually takes to perform a task like loading the vector data into a map?

I tried to use the 'Timeline' tab in Chrome under developper console but it's not that clear to me.

This an example of a map. Where can I see how long it takes to render the blue shapes? It's just a simple vector file.

A basemap with a vector layer on top of it

like image 600
newbiedevelopper Avatar asked Aug 17 '16 13:08


People also ask

Is Leaflet better than OpenLayers?

The OpenLayers offers more functionality than Leaflet and requires more time to start. For example, you need to use projections, just to create a simple map. Moreover, it may also confuse you if you have already experience with other map libraries, that coordinates in OpenLayers not in LatLon format, but in LonLat.

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As Leaflet library creators developed Mapbox GL now, you can see some similarities between 2 libraries. However, Mapbox GL gives you more opportunities, data visualization options and opens the vector maps world for you.

Does Google Maps use Leaflet?

Leaflet (opens in new tab) is usually used in conjunction with OpenStreetMaps, but can utilise other map data services, including Google Maps.

1 Answers

Openlayers-3 seems to be faster than leaflet with big JSON files.

Leaflet seems to be faster than Openlayers-3 with little JSON files.

In addition Leaflet seems to consume much more RAM (x2-x3) than Openlayers-3. A snapshot memory with Firefox Inspector gives 30 Mo for Openlayers-3 and 500 Mo for Leaflet.

That seems normal if you look at how the language structure is. But I'm still wondering if there is not a problem in these numbers I give you... that seems to be a HUGE difference.

If the numbers are good, it's like with normal cars and sportcars, you can go faster with sportcars, but they cost much more and you must take care of them much more. But there is no "better" for me, that depends on what you need.

Here are the sources of what I'm saying:

Leaflet example:

var timerStart = Date.now();
var timerStop;
var timerDelta;

// MAP
var mymap = L.map('map').setView([20, 0], 3);

var bigJSON = new L.geoJson();

    dataType: "json",
    url: "data/countries.geojson", // big JSON file

    success: function(data) {
        var nb=1;
        for(var i=0; i<nb; i++) {
            console.info("add n°" + i);
            $(data.features).each(function(key, data) {

        console.info("Number of features loaded = " + bigJSON.getLayers().length);
        timerStop = Date.now();
        timerDelta = timerStop - timerStart;

        console.info("Start at " + timerStart);
        console.info("Stopped at " + timerStop );
        console.info("Loading time = " + timerDelta );

Openlayers-3 example:

var timerStart = Date.now();
var timerStop;
var timerDelta;

// MAP
var myMap   =   new ol.Map({
    target: 'map',
    view:   new ol.View({
        center: ol.proj.fromLonLat( [20, 0] ),
        zoom: 3

var SRC_bigJSON = new ol.source.Vector({
    url: 'data/countries.geojson',  // big JSON file
    format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
var bigJSON  = new ol.layer.Vector({
    source: SRC_bigJSON

var nb=1;                            
for (var i=0; i<nb; i++) {
    console.info("add n°" + i);

bigJSON.on('change', function(e) {
    console.info("Number of features loaded = " + bigJSON.getSource().getFeatures().length * myMap.getLayers().getLength());

    timerStop = Date.now();
    timerDelta = timerStop - timerStart;

    console.info("Start at " + timerStart);
    console.info("Stopped at " + timerStop );
    console.info("Loading time = " + timerDelta );
like image 149
KBill Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11
