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Performance of LinkedList vs ArrayList in maintaining an ordered list

I want to maintain an ordered List<Integer> of size <= 10^6. Every time a new element will be added I will call Collections.sort() method to sort the new element in the list. As per my knowledge ArrayList is better performing than LinkedList. But since I will be calling sort() method quite often, I have come to understanding that linkedList will perform better when sorting the list and will be a better choice over ArrayList, since there is no shifting of elements as in case of ArrayList(uses array as underlying data structure). Any suggestions which will be more efficient.

like image 665
Meena Chaudhary Avatar asked Jan 27 '15 06:01

Meena Chaudhary

People also ask

Which one is faster ArrayList or LinkedList?

ArrayList is faster in storing and accessing data. LinkedList is faster in manipulation of data.

Does ArrayList maintain order?

ArrayList maintains the insertion order i.e order of the object in which they are inserted. HashSet is an unordered collection and doesn't maintain any order. ArrayList allows duplicate values in its collection. On other hand duplicate elements are not allowed in Hashset.

Does LinkedList maintain order?

Java LinkedList maintains the insertion order of the elements. LinkedList can have duplicate and null values. The LinkedList class implements Queue and Deque interfaces.

Does ArrayList and LinkedList maintain insertion order?

ArrayList and LinkedList both implement the List interface and maintain insertion order. Both are non-synchronized classes.

1 Answers

You could use Collections#binarySearch on the sorted list to find the correct insertion point. ArrayList would probably perform better than a LinkedList, especially for larg-ish sizes, but that is easy to test.

I ran a micro benchmark of various methods: using a sort after each insertion or a binarySearch to insert in the right place, both with ArrayList (AL) and LinkedList (LL). I also added Commons TreeList and guava's TreeMultiset.


  • the best algo among those tested is using TreeMultiset, but it is not a list strictly speaking - the next best option is to use an ArrayList + binarySearch
  • ArrayList performs better than LinkedList in all situations and the latter took several minutes to complete with 100,000 elements (ArrayList took less than one second).

Code of the best performer, for reference:

@Benchmark public ArrayList<Integer> binarySearchAL() {
  ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<> ();

  Random r = new Random();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    int num = r.nextInt();
    int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, num);
    if (index >= 0) list.add(index, num);
    else list.add(-index - 1, num);
    current = list.get(0); //O(1), to make sure the sort is not optimised away
  return list;

Full code on bitbucket.

Full results

The "Benchmark" column contains the name of the method under test (baseLine just fills a list without sorting it, the other methods have explicit names: AL=ArrayList, LL=LinkedList,TL=Commons TreeList,treeMultiSet=guava), (n) is the size of the list, Score is the time taken in milliseconds.

Benchmark                            (n)  Mode  Samples     Score     Error  Units
c.a.p.SO28164665.baseLine            100  avgt       10     0.002 ±   0.000  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.baseLine           1000  avgt       10     0.017 ±   0.001  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.baseLine           5000  avgt       10     0.086 ±   0.002  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.baseLine          10000  avgt       10     0.175 ±   0.007  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchAL      100  avgt       10     0.014 ±   0.001  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchAL     1000  avgt       10     0.226 ±   0.006  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchAL     5000  avgt       10     2.413 ±   0.125  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchAL    10000  avgt       10     8.478 ±   0.523  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchLL      100  avgt       10     0.031 ±   0.000  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchLL     1000  avgt       10     3.876 ±   0.100  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchLL     5000  avgt       10   263.717 ±   6.852  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchLL    10000  avgt       10   843.436 ±  33.265  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortAL              100  avgt       10     0.051 ±   0.002  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortAL             1000  avgt       10     3.381 ±   0.189  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortAL             5000  avgt       10   118.882 ±  22.030  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortAL            10000  avgt       10   511.668 ± 171.453  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortLL              100  avgt       10     0.082 ±   0.002  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortLL             1000  avgt       10    13.045 ±   0.460  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortLL             5000  avgt       10   642.593 ± 188.044  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.sortLL            10000  avgt       10  1182.698 ± 159.468  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchTL      100  avgt       10    0.056 ±  0.002  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchTL     1000  avgt       10    1.083 ±  0.052  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchTL     5000  avgt       10    8.246 ±  0.329  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchTL    10000  avgt       10  735.192 ± 56.071  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.treeMultiSet        100  avgt       10    0.021 ±  0.001  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.treeMultiSet       1000  avgt       10    0.288 ±  0.008  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.treeMultiSet       5000  avgt       10    1.809 ±  0.061  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.treeMultiSet      10000  avgt       10    4.283 ±  0.214  ms/op

For 100k items:

c.a.p.SO28164665.binarySearchAL    100000  avgt        6  890.585 ± 68.730  ms/op
c.a.p.SO28164665.treeMultiSet      100000  avgt        6  105.273 ±  9.309  ms/op
like image 110
assylias Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
