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ORM modeling: Database first vs classes first

I'm attempting to use Sparx Enterprise Architect to design a data model that will end up in a MySQL database.

My first approach was a Data Model diagram, which can be used to generate DDL (or the other way round by reverse engineering).

This works quite well but a colleague pointed out a snag: We're intending to use an ORM (almost certainly Hibernate) to map tables to Java classes. His comment was a "database first" approach would preclude the use of good OO techniques such as inheritance.

This seems a good point but I'm wondering if there are any limitations. If I started from scratch with a Class Diagram instead of a Data Model diagram, would there be a way of including all necessary Hibernate annotations, config etc. in this model? And if I later needed to model database-specific functionality such as constraints, triggers etc. would all this be possible in the model given that a Class Diagram isn't really aimed at this type of thing?

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Steve Chambers Avatar asked May 30 '14 10:05

Steve Chambers

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1 Answers

I prefer to model the database first. The database is the most valuable part of the business, the application logic being only an interface to manipulating the business data.

Since databases tend to outlive application technologies, it's better to design it upfront since the design is usually driven by data relationships and the data querying model.

Most ORMs were designed to model domain objects to existing schemas and it's the ORM tool task to cope with any possible DB schema mapping concerns.

For rapid prototyping, I might consider having my schema generating from the domain objects but when designing a large enterprise system architecture this approach is sub-optimal.

Hibernate only offers a limited number of DDL features and I don't like to loose extra DB specific features like PosgreSQL domains, instead-of triggers, materialized views or MySQL triggers.

A tool like Flyway is best to use to automate the schema migration process.

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Vlad Mihalcea Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Vlad Mihalcea