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Performance of large maps in Clojure



I have a Clojure program which is using some large maps (1000 - 2000 items) which are accessed 30 - 40 times a second and using Strings as the keys. I was wondering if there is a big performance difference if I used keywords or symbols as the keys instead?

like image 922
yazz.com Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 06:09


1 Answers

Clojure map lookups are very fast, and do not particularly depend on the size of the map.

In fact, they are almost as fast as pure Java HashMaps, while enjoying many advantages over traditional HashMaps including being immutable and thread-safe.

If you are only doing 30-40 lookups a second then I guarantee you will never notice the difference regardless of what you use as keys. Worrying about this would count as premature optimisation.

Let's prove it: the following code does a million map lookups using strings as keys:

(def str-keys (map str (range 1000)))
(def m (zipmap str-keys (range 1000)))
(time (dotimes [i 1000] (doseq [k str-keys] (m k))))
=> "Elapsed time: 69.082224 msecs"

The following does a million map lookups using keywords as keys:

(def kw-keys (map #(keyword (str %)) (range 1000)))
(def m (zipmap kw-keys (range 1000)))
(time (dotimes [i 1000] (doseq [k kw-keys] (m k))))
=> "Elapsed time: 59.212864 msecs"

And for symbols:

(def sym-keys (map #(symbol (str %)) (range 1000)))
(def m (zipmap sym-keys (range 1000)))
(time (dotimes [i 1000] (doseq [k sym-keys] (m k))))
=> "Elapsed time: 61.590925 msecs"

In my tests, Symbols and Keywords were slightly faster than Strings, but still the difference could easily be explained by statistical error, and the average execution time per lookup was less than 100 nanoseconds for all cases.

So your 30-40 lookups are probably taking in the order of 0.001% of your CPU time (this even allows for the fact that in a real app, lookups will probably be a few times slower due to caching issues)

The likely reason for Keywords in particular being slightly faster is that they are interned (and can therefore use reference equality to check for equality). But as you can see the difference is sufficiently small that you really don't need to worry about it.

like image 135
mikera Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
