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The clojure way to generate a random long number



With Clojure, how do I generate a random long number? I know Clojure has a rand-int function but it only works for integer. If a given number is long, I got this repl error:

IllegalArgumentException Value out of range for int: 528029243649 clojure.lang.RT.intCast (RT.java:1205)

like image 289
danny Avatar asked Feb 07 '16 04:02


People also ask

How do you generate a long random number?

We can generate random long values with the nextLong method of the RandomUtils class. nextLong is a static method that can generate random long values. There are two variations of the method: One takes the range as parameters and generates random long values within the specified range.

How do you generate a long long random number in C++?

Thus using the two functions, rand () and srand () we can generate random numbers in C++. The function srand () is used to provide seed for generating random numbers while rand () function generates the next random number in the sequence. => Look For The Entire C++ Training Series Here.

How do you generate a random long number within a range in Java?

In order to generate Random long type numbers in Java, we use the nextLong() method of the java. util. Random class. This returns the next random long value from the random generator sequence.

What is the purpose of Srand () and time ()?

The srand(x) function sets the seed of the random number generator algorithm used by the function rand( ). A seed value of 1 is the default setting yielding the same sequence of values as if srand(x) were not used. Any other value for the seed produces a different sequence. srand(time(NULL));

2 Answers

If you take a look at the source of rand-int

(defn rand-int
  "Returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)."
  [n] (int (rand n)))

You can do a similar thing

(long (rand n)))

like image 97
Timothy Pratley Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Timothy Pratley

Clojure's rand and rand-int use java.util.Random as the underlying random number generator. If your application depends heavily on random numbers, you might want to consider using a higher-quality random number generator written in Java, such as MersenneTwisterFast. This has a nextLong() method, and it's very easy to use from Clojure. Java's standard class SecureRandom might be worth considering, too; it's designed for different purposes than the Mersenne Twister. There are other good Java random number generators available. Depends on what you're using the random numbers for. For occasional use of random numbers, java.util.Random might be just fine. There are additional options mentioned in comments by others.

I'll describe use of MersenneTwisterFast. Using the other classes I mentioned would be essentially the same, but without the initial steps.

With Leiningen, add something like this to project.clj:

  :java-source-paths ["src/java"]

and then put the Java source for MersenneTwisterFast.java in src/java/ec/util. Then you can do this:

(ns my.namespace
  (:import [ec.util MersenneTwisterFast]))

(def rng (MersenneTwisterFast. 42)) ; Specify a different seed, e.g. from system time.
(defn next-long [] (.nextLong rng))
like image 39
Mars Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
