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Performance of Java Optional



I just stumbled upon the Optional class in Java 8 - I really like the approach of replacing some of the null checks (which literally means "is the value present?") in my code with isPresent() method calls.

My question is: Wouldn't that cause a lower performance of my code? I am just guessing simple null checks could be a bit cheaper and I am not yet very good in byte code reading / interpretation, so I am really interested in your thoughts on that topic.

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jod Avatar asked Jan 09 '16 17:01


People also ask

What is the advantage of using Optional in Java?

So, to overcome this, Java 8 has introduced a new class Optional in java. util package. It can help in writing a neat code without using too many null checks. By using Optional, we can specify alternate values to return or alternate code to run.

Is Optional better than null?

In a nutshell, the Optional class includes methods to explicitly deal with the cases where a value is present or absent. However, the advantage compared to null references is that the Optional class forces you to think about the case when the value is not present.

Can Optional be null Java?

In Java 8 you can return an Optional instead of a null . Java 8 documentation says that an Optional is "A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.

Why is Java Optional empty?

In Java, the Optional object is a container object that may or may not contain a value. We can replace the multiple null checks using the Optional object's isPresent method. The empty method of the Optional method is used to get the empty instance of the Optional class. The returned object doesn't have any value.

2 Answers

I did some performance testing using an algorithm that heavily uses null checks as well as access to a potentially nullable field. I implemented a simple algorithm that removes the middle element from the single linked list.

First I implemented two classes of linked list node: safe - with Optional and unsafe - without.

Safe Node

class Node<T> {     private final T data;     private Optional<Node<T>> next = Optional.empty();      Node(T data) {          this.data = data;     }      Optional<Node<T>> getNext() {         return next;     }      void setNext(Node<T> next) { setNext(Optional.ofNullable(next)); }      void setNext(Optional<Node<T>> next ) { this.next = next; } } 

Unsafe Node

class NodeUnsafe<T> {     private final T data;     private NodeUnsafe<T> next;      NodeUnsafe(T data) {         this.data = data;     }      NodeUnsafe<T> getNext() {         return next;     }      void setNext(NodeUnsafe<T> next) {         this.next = next;     } } 

Then I implemented two similar methods with the only difference - first uses Node<T> and the second uses NodeUsafe<T>

class DeleteMiddle {     private static <T> T getLinkedList(int size, Function<Integer, T> supplier, BiConsumer<T, T> reducer) {         T head = supplier.apply(1);         IntStream.rangeClosed(2, size).mapToObj(supplier::apply).reduce(head,(a,b)->{             reducer.accept(a,b);             return b;         });         return head;     }      private static void deleteMiddle(Node<Integer> head){         Optional<Node<Integer>> oneStep = Optional.of(head);         Optional<Node<Integer>> doubleStep = oneStep;         Optional<Node<Integer>> prevStep = Optional.empty();          while (doubleStep.isPresent() && doubleStep.get().getNext().isPresent()){             doubleStep = doubleStep.get().getNext().get().getNext();             prevStep = oneStep;             oneStep = oneStep.get().getNext();         }          final Optional<Node<Integer>> toDelete = oneStep;         prevStep.ifPresent(s->s.setNext(toDelete.flatMap(Node::getNext)));     }      private static void deleteMiddleUnsafe(NodeUnsafe<Integer> head){         NodeUnsafe<Integer> oneStep = head;         NodeUnsafe<Integer> doubleStep = oneStep;         NodeUnsafe<Integer> prevStep = null;          while (doubleStep != null && doubleStep.getNext() != null){             doubleStep = doubleStep.getNext().getNext();             prevStep = oneStep;             oneStep = oneStep.getNext();         }         if (prevStep != null) {             prevStep.setNext(oneStep.getNext());         }     }      public static void main(String[] args) {         int size = 10000000;         Node<Integer> head = getLinkedList(size, Node::new, Node::setNext);         Long before = System.currentTimeMillis();         deleteMiddle(head);         System.out.println("Safe: " +(System.currentTimeMillis() - before));          NodeUnsafe<Integer> headUnsafe = getLinkedList(size, NodeUnsafe::new, NodeUnsafe::setNext);         before = System.currentTimeMillis();         deleteMiddleUnsafe(headUnsafe);         System.out.println("Unsafe: " +(System.currentTimeMillis() - before));     } } 

Comparison of two several runs with different size of the list shows that approach with code that uses Optionalat the best is twice slower than one with nullables. With small lists it is 3 times slower.

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Yuriy Tseretyan Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 14:09

Yuriy Tseretyan

Optional<T> is just a normal generic class which contains a reference of type T. Thus, it adds a single layer of indirection. The method calls themselves won't be very expensive either, since the class is final and so the dynamic dispatch can be avoided.

The only place where you could have performance problems is when working with very large numbers of such instances, but even then the performance of something like a Stream<Optional<String>> is not bad at all. However, when working with large amounts of primitive values, you'll find a performance hit using Stream<Integer> (or Integer[]) versus the primitive specialization IntStream (or int[]) due to this layer of indirection requiring very frequent instantiation of Integer objects. However, this is a penalty that we already know and do pay when using things like ArrayList<Integer>.

You would obviously experience the same hit with Stream<OptionalInt> / OptionalInt[], since an OptionalInt is basically a class with an int field and a boolean flag for presence (unlike with Optional<T> which can make do with only the T field) and thus quite similar to Integer although bigger in size. And of course, a Stream<Optional<Integer>> would add two levels of indirection, with the corresponding double performance penalty.

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Javier Martín Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Javier Martín