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Is null typed in Java [duplicate]





I've encountered a bug in my codebase, I've narrowed down to what caused this behavior. The first test case fails, whereas the last two succeed.

@Test public void testBooleanNull1() {     Boolean nullB = null;     assertFalse(Boolean.valueOf(nullB)); }  @Test public void testBooleanNull2() {     String nullS = null;     assertFalse(Boolean.valueOf(nullS)); } @Test public void testBooleanNull3() {     assertFalse(Boolean.valueOf(null)); } 

I know that Boolean.valueOf is an overloaded method with two variants one takes a String and the other takes a primitive of type boolean.

I suspect that this is happening because of auto-boxing but I'm not sure if that is the case, furthermore I don't know why null is being converted to a Boolean as far as I know null is not a valid primitive type.

I've moved on to using BooleanUtils from Apache Commons, I asked this here to better understand why the behavior is this way.

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nikhil Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 18:03


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2. Reference Variable value: Any reference variable in Java has a default value null . 3. Type of null: Unlike the common misconception, null is not Object or neither a type. It’s just a special value, which can be assigned to any reference type and you can type cast null to any type Examples:

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1 Answers



is an invocation of Boolean#valueOf(boolean).

It fails because the unboxing of the Boolean value nullB fails with a NullPointerException. In other words, it becomes

boolean val = nullB.booleanValue(); // at runtime nullB stores the value null Boolean.valueOf(val) 

This process is described in the JLS here

If r is a reference of type Boolean, then unboxing conversion converts r into r.booleanValue()



is invoking the overloaded version that accepts a String (since null is not a valid expression of type boolean).

Returns a Boolean with a value represented by the specified string. The Boolean returned represents a true value if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".

like image 155
Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Sotirios Delimanolis