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Performance of "all" in haskell



I got nearly no knowledge of haskell and tried to solve some Project Euler Problems. While solving Number 5 I wrote this solution (for 1..10)

--Check if n can be divided by 1..max
canDivAll :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool 
canDivAll max n = all (\x ->  n `mod` x == 0) [1..max]

main = print $ head $ filter (canDivAll 10) [1..]

Now I found out, that all is implemented like this:

all p            =  and . map p

Doesn't this mean, the condition is checked for every element? Wouldn't it be much faster to break upon the first False-Result of the condition? This would make the execution of the code above faster.


like image 680
theomega Avatar asked Jul 17 '10 15:07


People also ask

Why is Haskell so fast?

It compiles all the way down to native machine code, so no overhead there. Unlike OO languages [Java, C#, JavaScript…], Haskell has full type erasure [like C, C++, Pascal…]. All type checking happens at compile-time only. So there's no run-time type-checking to slow you down either.

Is Haskell faster than Java?

The programming language benchmark game suggests that Haskell is roughly as fast as Java and C#, but this is complicated by the extensive use of foreign libraries in those languages.

How do I make Haskell code more efficient?

General suggestions: 1) Provide specific type annotations e.g. ::Double , 2) never use foldl , use foldl' for computing numeric values, 3) avoid GHCi, compile with ghc and -O2 .

2 Answers

and itself is short-circuited and since both map and all evaluation is lazy, you will only get as many elements as needed - not more.

You can verify that with a GHCi session:

Prelude Debug.Trace> and [(trace "first" True), (trace "second" True)]
Prelude Debug.Trace> and [(trace "first" False), (trace "second" False)]
like image 126
viraptor Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


map does not evaluate all its argument before and executes. And and is short-circuited.

Notice that in GHC all isn't really defined like this.

-- | Applied to a predicate and a list, 'all' determines if all elements
-- of the list satisfy the predicate.
all                     :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
all p                   =  and . map p
all _ []        =  True
all p (x:xs)    =  p x && all p xs
"all/build"     forall p (g::forall b.(a->b->b)->b->b) . 
                all p (build g) = g ((&&) . p) True

We see that all p (x:xs) = p x && all p xs, so whenever p x is false, the evaluation will stop.

Moreover, there is a simplification rule all/build, which effectively transforms your all p [1..max] into a simple fail-fast loop*, so I don't think you can improve much from modifying all.

*. The simplified code should look like:

eftIntFB c n x0 y | x0 ># y    = n        
                  | otherwise = go x0
                   go x = I# x `c` if x ==# y then n else go (x +# 1#)

eftIntFB ((&&) . p) True 1# max#

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kennytm Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
