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Performance difference between filling existing numpy array and creating a new one




In iterative algorithms, it is common to use large numpy arrays many times. Frequently the arrays need to be manually "reset" on each iteration. Is there a performance difference between filling an existing array (with nans or 0s) and creating a new array? If so, why?

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Sean Mackesey Avatar asked Jul 19 '15 07:07

Sean Mackesey

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1 Answers

The answer depends on the size of your arrays. While allocating a new memory region takes nearly a fixed amount of time, the time to fill this memory region grows linear with size. But, filling a new allocated memory with numpy.zeros is nearly twice as fast, as filling an existing array with numpy.fill, and three times faster than item setting x[:] = 0.

So on my machine, filling vectors with less than 800 elements is faster than creating new vectors, with more than 800 elements creating new vectors gets faster.

like image 194
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10
