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Performance bottleneck Url.Action - can I workaround it?

I have an application that I recently upgraded from ASP.NET MVC1 to ASP.NET MVC4 rc1.

It uses the Webforms viewengine.

It has performance issues whenever Url.Action(action,controller) is used.

I can reproduce the issue in ASP.NET MVC3.

I need 3ms to render views that have 10 instances of the Url.Action helper in it in ASP.NET MVC1 and 40ms to render the same in ASP.NET MVC3.

I already found some ways to make it render faster:

  • I moved the default route to the top

  • I removed Url.Action and used static links

This does not feel right: the application is pretty large and I need the goodness of a decent working routing in it. I am also not confident that I found all performance bottlenecks. Routing is a central part of MVC: if there is something performing badly it will pop up in different parts of the application.

I have the impression that MVC3 introduced some routing features (like regex constraints) that even if I dont use them lead to a badly performing application.

Is there something I can do like turning of features of routing or using a different set of URL-helpers?

This code reproduces the issue:

Index action

public ActionResult Index()

            return View();


<%@ Page Language="C#"  Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head >
    <link href="../../Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <div class="page">
<%= Url.Action("Action1", "Controller1") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action2", "Controller2") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action3", "Controller3") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action4", "Controller4") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action5", "Controller5") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action6", "Controller6") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action7", "Controller7") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action8", "Controller8") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action9", "Controller9") %>
<%= Url.Action("Action10", "Controller10") %>

Route registration This looks strange: but I just want to simulate my not very complicated routing. This is not the 600 routes of SO!

public static void RegisterRoutesSlow(RouteCollection routes)

    routes.IgnoreRoute("{*favicon}", new { favicon = @"(.*/)?favicon.ico(/.*)?" });

    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
            // Route name
            "RouteName" + i.ToString(),
            // URL with parameters                              
            // Parameter defaults
                action = "Index",
                language = "de",
                para1 = 0
            //Parameter constraints
            new { language = "de|en", controller = "SomeNameOfAnActualController" + i.ToString() }
                   "DefaulRoute",            // Route name
                   "{controller}/{action}",    // URL with parameters
                       controller = "Home",
                       action = "Index",
    routes.MapRoute("404-PageNotFound", "{*url}", new { controller = "Error", action = "PageNotFound", language = "de" });


The sample code was compiled against MVC2 now. In VS2010 MVC2 can be compiled against .NET 3.5 or 4.0.

The performance with 3.5 is good and 4.0 is bad.

I guess this means that the poorly performing part is not in a MVC assembly but in a framework assembly (like System.Web.Routing.dll). The question is still the same: Can I do something about it? An accepted answer would also be: No, the code is slow because from version 3.5 to 4.0 MS changed XXX


I decompiled the part of System.Web.Routing.dll that takes to long. It uses a compiled regular expression. There is a code path (constraint2.Match ) that returns without executing the regex, but I did not check yet if it internally uses a different expensive operation.

protected virtual bool ProcessConstraint(HttpContextBase httpContext, object constraint, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
    object obj2;
    IRouteConstraint constraint2 = constraint as IRouteConstraint;
    if (constraint2 != null)
        return constraint2.Match(httpContext, this, parameterName, values, routeDirection);
    string str = constraint as string;
    if (str == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, SR.GetString("Route_ValidationMustBeStringOrCustomConstraint"), new object[] { parameterName, this.Url }));
    values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out obj2);
    string input = Convert.ToString(obj2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    string pattern = "^(" + str + ")$";
    return Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
like image 382
Mathias F Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 21:08

Mathias F

1 Answers

There are solved problem similar to yours: First call to Url.Action on a page is slow there are conclusion about routing constraints with regexp constraints that is very slow.

like image 76
Kirill Bestemyanov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Kirill Bestemyanov