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Perfecting SQL binary to IP Address string conversion




We use a binary(16) field to store IP Addresses. We do this as it can hold both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and is easily used with the .Net IPAddress class.

However I have created the following SQL function to convert the binary address to the IP Address string for reporting purposes.

CREATE FUNCTION fn_ConvertBinaryIPAddressToString
    @binaryIP binary(16)
RETURNS nvarchar(39)
    DECLARE @ipAsString nvarchar(39)

    -- Is IPv4
    IF (substring(@binaryIP, 5, 1) = 0x00)  <-- Is there a better way?

        SELECT @ipAsString = CAST(CAST(substring(@binaryIP, 1, 1) AS int) AS nvarchar(3)) + '.' +
        CAST(CAST(substring(@binaryIP, 2, 1) AS int) AS nvarchar(3)) + '.' +
        CAST(CAST(substring(@binaryIP, 3, 1) AS int) AS nvarchar(3)) + '.' +
        CAST(CAST(substring(@binaryIP, 4, 1) AS int) AS nvarchar(3))

    -- Is IPv6
        -- taken and modified from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/104829
        DECLARE @i int
        DECLARE @length int
        DECLARE @hexstring char(16)

        SELECT @ipAsString = ''
        SELECT @i = 1
        SELECT @length = 16
        SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'

        WHILE (@i <= @length)
            DECLARE @tempint int
            DECLARE @firstint int
            DECLARE @secondint int

            SELECT @tempint = convert(int, substring(@binaryIP,@i,1))
            SELECT @firstint = floor(@tempint/16)
            SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)

            SELECT @ipAsString = @ipAsString + substring(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) + substring(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)

            IF (@i % 2 = 0)
                SELECT @ipAsString = @ipAsString + ':'

            SELECT @i = @i + 1

    -- Return the result of the function
    RETURN @ipAsString


At the moment if the 5 byte is 0 I assume it is an IPv4 address. Is this a safe assumption? Is it better to check all the remaining bytes for zeros or is there a better way?

EDIT removed unnecessary cast

like image 837
Magpie Avatar asked Sep 08 '10 08:09


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The CONCAT implicitly converts values into strings. If you need to concatenate different data types, CONCAT is the best option instead of using the + character. Note: If you need to convert int into a string to compare, the cast and convert should be used.

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As with MS SQL Server you can store IP address, both IPv4 and IPv6, either as varchar or as numeric. As already mentioned, the binary representation is much more preferable than any other as it reflects the true nature of an IP address.

1 Answers

I'd say you ought to be storing the address family also, either encoded in your byte array or as a separate column. If you pass 16 bytes to the IPAddress constructor, it will construct as IPv6 address, so you'd need checks in your code also to determine the address family. It would seem a lot easier (and not rely on assumptions about the bytes of an IPv6 address) to keep this information around directly.

Or use a varbinary(16), which you can then check the length of (length=4 => IPv4 address)

like image 138
Damien_The_Unbeliever Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
