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People who double click everything on web pages... jQuery double click problemo



I have a link on a web page opens up a modal dialog. The first time the link is clicked initialization code executes. Subsequent clicks do not need to do any processing. The problem here is when people double click the link the initializing code runs twice -even though I am setting a flag immediately to say that I am initialized, and if flagged don't run the init function. What should I do?

  • I could unbind the click function on this link when clicked, but then I need to bind the function again when the dialog closes.
  • I could bind to the dblclick event and return false?
  • I could save the 'lastclicked' time on the element, and then check if say 2 seconds has past before letting the event fire?
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superlogical Avatar asked Feb 17 '10 20:02


1 Answers

I use Ben Nadel's jQuery ajax wrapper. Every time you create an ajax request, you can optionally give it a name. The ajax wrapper tracks all named requests and drops any duplicates if it's still waiting on a response from a previous request with the same name.

By putting all your ajax calls through this "pipeline", you have great centralized control over handling every call.

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womp Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11
