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NVD3 - line chart NaN on safari using latest versions

using NVD3 as a line chart all of my data is being inserted into one vertical line (as opposed to be across the horizontal) and when I hover the line I get 0NaN repeated. this only happens using safari

here is the java:

function drawChart(div, att_speed, data) {
  nv.addGraph(function() {
    var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
    // Convert the date passed as a STRING into a DATE object
    chart.x(function(d) { 
      return new Date(d.x); 
    chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Time (m)');
    chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) {
      return d3.time.format('%H:%M')(new Date(d));
      .axisLabel("Speed (mb)") //Set Y-Axis attributes.
      .tickFormat(d3.format(".0f")) //Set Y-Axis label formatting.
    d3.select("#" + div + " svg") //Select the document's <svg> element
      .transition().duration(500).call(chart); //Define transition and pass the d3.selection to our lineChart.


    return chart; 
datalink_one = [
            values: [{"x": "2018-06-19 14:21:22", "y": "80"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:24:02", "y": "89"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:25:10", "y": "127"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:28:04", "y": "91"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:30:11", "y": "92"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:31:21", "y": "80"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:34:03", "y": "131"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:35:28", "y": "98"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:37:11", "y": "86"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:39:02", "y": "111"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:42:03", "y": "95"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:43:04", "y": "165"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:45:11", "y": "89"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:47:11", "y": "133"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:49:16", "y": "134"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:52:05", "y": "157"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:54:13", "y": "66"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:55:09", "y": "95"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:58:02", "y": "112"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:59:09", "y": "98"}],
            key: "Download",
            color: "#337ab7",
            area: true   
            values: [{"x": "2018-06-19 14:21:22", "y": "17"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:24:02", "y": "49"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:25:10", "y": "44"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:28:04", "y": "57"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:30:11", "y": "18"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:31:21", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:34:03", "y": "20"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:35:28", "y": "24"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:37:11", "y": "19"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:39:02", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:42:03", "y": "12"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:43:04", "y": "13"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:45:11", "y": "22"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:47:11", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:49:16", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:52:05", "y": "14"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:54:13", "y": "11"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:55:09", "y": "29"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:58:02", "y": "15"}, {"x": "2018-06-19 14:59:09", "y": "25"}],
            key: "Upload",
            color: "#5cb85c",
            area: true   
drawChart('one-speed-chart', 500.0, datalink_one)

here is a fiddle (which will fail in safari)


here is a screeshot screenshot of issue

like image 880
AlexW Avatar asked Jun 07 '18 15:06


People also ask

What library do I need for NVD3?

Download d3.v3.js. This is the only required library for NVD3. Download the latest nv.d3.js (version 1.8.1). Get the developmentversion, or minified productionversion.

What is NVD3 NVD3?

NVD3 NVD3 Re-usable charts for d3.js This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power … NVD3.js Home Examples Live Code Source Blog Downloads:

Who is the current maintainer of NVD3?

NVD3 is currently maintained by a team of frontend software engineers at Novus Partners. Our charting technology is used to provide powerful analytics to our clients in the financial industry.

What inspired NVD3’s codebase?

NVD3’s codebase is heavily inspired by the work of Mike Bostock. In particular, his article “Towards Reusable Charts”serves as our guide.

1 Answers

I have finally found the answer, for safari, the date time format needs to be as follows in your json


This question I found lead me to the answer Safari Javascript Date() NaN Issue (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

like image 127
AlexW Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
