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Patternmatching for empty List in Haskell



as i am new to Haskell i am not quite familiar with everything. i tried to implement a function using pattern matching but this wont work as it gives the following Exception: Prelude.head empty list. This is the code sample:

swapListToTowers [] = []
swapListToTowers xs = [head x| x <-xs]:swapListToTowers (cutOfFirstElements xs)

cutOfFirstElements [] = []
cutOfFirstElements xs = [tail x | x <- xs]

I think the case for capturing the empty list does not quite work , does it? Thanks in advance for any help!

like image 277
Tilman Zuckmantel Avatar asked Nov 21 '15 12:11

Tilman Zuckmantel

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2 Answers

I think you're missing a pattern to match your inner list, so when you get to your list comprehension, there hasn't been a check to see if your inner list is empty

I'm not sure what your function is designed to do, but you might want to split out your functions a bit like this so you can deal with the empty sublist on it's own

swapListToTowers [] = []
swapListToTowers xs = swapListToTowersInner (head xs) : ...

swapListToTowersInner :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
swapListToTowersInner [] = []
swapListToTowersInner xs = head xs

... similarly here for cutOfFirstElements
like image 164
Hamish Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 13:11


Both functions take as arguments list of lists. The empty list match [] only matches the outer list, but not the case where the outer list is non-empty, but the inner list isn't; e.g. [[]].

like image 43
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 11:11

Mark Seemann