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Pattern recognition in time series [closed]

By processing a time series graph, I Would like to detect patterns that look similar to this:

enter image description here

Using a sample time series as an example, I would like to be able to detect the patterns as marked here:

enter image description here

What kind of AI algorithm (I am assuming marchine learning techniques) do I need to use to achieve this? Is there any library (in C/C++) out there that I can use?

like image 390
Ali Avatar asked Aug 01 '12 04:08


People also ask

What is the limitation of pattern recognition?

The disadvantages of pattern-recognition include the following. This kind of recognition is difficult to execute & it is an extremely slow method. It requires a bigger dataset to acquire enhanced accuracy. It cannot clarify why an exact object is identified.

What are the 3 components of the pattern recognition?

The classical model of pattern recognition involves three major operations— representation, feature extraction, and classification.

What is the problem of pattern recognition?

There are two major issues in visual pattern recognition. The first is the choice of features. There is no guarantee that the features will be strongly present in unseen data. Secondly the choice of training data will not guarantee the coverage of unseen data.

What is a pattern in time series?

There are three types of time series patterns: trend, seasonal, and cyclic. A trend pattern exists when there is a long-term increase or decrease in the series. The trend can be linear, exponential, or different one and can change direction during time.

2 Answers

Here is a sample result from a small project I did to partition ecg data.

enter image description here

My approach was a "switching autoregressive HMM" (google this if you haven't heard of it) where each datapoint is predicted from the previous datapoint using a Bayesian regression model. I created 81 hidden states: a junk state to capture data between each beat, and 80 separate hidden states corresponding to different positions within the heartbeat pattern. The pattern 80 states were constructed directly from a subsampled single beat pattern and had two transitions - a self transition and a transition to the next state in the pattern. The final state in the pattern transitioned to either itself or the junk state.

I trained the model with Viterbi training, updating only the regression parameters.

Results were adequate in most cases. A similarly structure Conditional Random Field would probably perform better, but training a CRF would require manually labeling patterns in the dataset if you don't already have labelled data.


Here's some example python code - it is not perfect, but it gives the general approach. It implements EM rather than Viterbi training, which may be slightly more stable. The ecg dataset is from http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/discords/ECG_data.zip

import numpy as np import numpy.random as rnd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  import scipy.linalg as lin import re      data=np.array(map(lambda l: map(float, filter(lambda x:len(x)>0,                 re.split('\\s+',l))), open('chfdb_chf01_275.txt'))).T dK=230 pattern=data[1,:dK] data=data[1,dK:]      def create_mats(dat):     '''     create          A - an initial transition matrix          pA - pseudocounts for A         w - emission distribution regression weights         K - number of hidden states     '''     step=5  #adjust this to change the granularity of the pattern     eps=.1     dat=dat[::step]     K=len(dat)+1     A=np.zeros( (K,K) )     A[0,1]=1.     pA=np.zeros( (K,K) )     pA[0,1]=1.     for i in xrange(1,K-1):         A[i,i]=(step-1.+eps)/(step+2*eps)         A[i,i+1]=(1.+eps)/(step+2*eps)         pA[i,i]=1.         pA[i,i+1]=1.     A[-1,-1]=(step-1.+eps)/(step+2*eps)     A[-1,1]=(1.+eps)/(step+2*eps)     pA[-1,-1]=1.     pA[-1,1]=1.              w=np.ones( (K,2) , dtype=np.float)     w[0,1]=dat[0]     w[1:-1,1]=(dat[:-1]-dat[1:])/step     w[-1,1]=(dat[0]-dat[-1])/step              return A,pA,w,K      # Initialize stuff A,pA,w,K=create_mats(pattern)          eta=10. # precision parameter for the autoregressive portion of the model  lam=.1  # precision parameter for the weights prior       N=1 #number of sequences M=2 #number of dimensions - the second variable is for the bias term T=len(data) #length of sequences      x=np.ones( (T+1,M) ) # sequence data (just one sequence) x[0,1]=1 x[1:,0]=data      # Emissions e=np.zeros( (T,K) )  # Residuals v=np.zeros( (T,K) )      # Store the forward and backward recurrences f=np.zeros( (T+1,K) ) fls=np.zeros( (T+1) ) f[0,0]=1 b=np.zeros( (T+1,K) ) bls=np.zeros( (T+1) ) b[-1,1:]=1./(K-1)      # Hidden states z=np.zeros( (T+1),dtype=np.int )      # Expected hidden states ex_k=np.zeros( (T,K) )      # Expected pairs of hidden states ex_kk=np.zeros( (K,K) ) nkk=np.zeros( (K,K) )      def fwd(xn):     global f,e     for t in xrange(T):         f[t+1,:]=np.dot(f[t,:],A)*e[t,:]         sm=np.sum(f[t+1,:])         fls[t+1]=fls[t]+np.log(sm)         f[t+1,:]/=sm         assert f[t+1,0]==0      def bck(xn):     global b,e     for t in xrange(T-1,-1,-1):         b[t,:]=np.dot(A,b[t+1,:]*e[t,:])         sm=np.sum(b[t,:])         bls[t]=bls[t+1]+np.log(sm)         b[t,:]/=sm      def em_step(xn):     global A,w,eta     global f,b,e,v     global ex_k,ex_kk,nkk              x=xn[:-1] #current data vectors     y=xn[1:,:1] #next data vectors predicted from current          # Compute residuals     v=np.dot(x,w.T) # (N,K) <- (N,1) (N,K)     v-=y     e=np.exp(-eta/2*v**2,e)              fwd(xn)     bck(xn)              # Compute expected hidden states     for t in xrange(len(e)):         ex_k[t,:]=f[t+1,:]*b[t+1,:]         ex_k[t,:]/=np.sum(ex_k[t,:])              # Compute expected pairs of hidden states         for t in xrange(len(f)-1):         ex_kk=A*f[t,:][:,np.newaxis]*e[t,:]*b[t+1,:]         ex_kk/=np.sum(ex_kk)         nkk+=ex_kk              # max w/ respect to transition probabilities     A=pA+nkk     A/=np.sum(A,1)[:,np.newaxis]              # Solve the weighted regression problem for emissions weights     # x and y are from above      for k in xrange(K):         ex=ex_k[:,k][:,np.newaxis]         dx=np.dot(x.T,ex*x)         dy=np.dot(x.T,ex*y)         dy.shape=(2)         w[k,:]=lin.solve(dx+lam*np.eye(x.shape[1]), dy)                  # Return the probability of the sequence (computed by the forward algorithm)     return fls[-1]      if __name__=='__main__':     # Run the em algorithm     for i in xrange(20):         print em_step(x)          # Get rough boundaries by taking the maximum expected hidden state for each position     r=np.arange(len(ex_k))[np.argmax(ex_k,1)<3]              # Plot     plt.plot(range(T),x[1:,0])              yr=[np.min(x[:,0]),np.max(x[:,0])]     for i in r:         plt.plot([i,i],yr,'-r')          plt.show() 
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user1149913 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09


Why not using a simple matched filter? Or its general statistical counterpart called cross correlation. Given a known pattern x(t) and a noisy compound time series containing your pattern shifted in a,b,...,z like y(t) = x(t-a) + x(t-b) +...+ x(t-z) + n(t). The cross correlation function between x and y should give peaks in a,b, ...,z

like image 30
Davide C Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

Davide C