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Keras model.summary() object to string

I want to write a *.txt file with the neural network hyperparameters and the model architecture. Is it possible to write the object model.summary() to my output file?

(...) summary = str(model.summary()) (...) out = open(filename + 'report.txt','w') out.write(summary) out.close 

It happens that I'm getting "None" as you can see below.

Hyperparameters =========================  learning_rate: 0.01 momentum: 0.8 decay: 0.0 batch size: 128 no. epochs: 3 dropout: 0.5 -------------------------  None val_acc: 0.232323229313 val_loss: 3.88496732712 train_acc: 0.0965207634216 train_loss: 4.07161939425 train/val loss ratio: 1.04804469418 

Any idea how to deal with that?

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lmpeixoto Avatar asked Jan 15 '17 20:01


People also ask

What is Model Summary () in keras?

Summarize ModelKeras provides a way to summarize a model. The summary is textual and includes information about: The layers and their order in the model. The output shape of each layer. The number of parameters (weights) in each layer.

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Model summaryCall model. summary() to print a useful summary of the model, which includes: Name and type of all layers in the model. Output shape for each layer.

2 Answers

With my version of Keras (2.0.6) and Python (3.5.0), this works for me:

# Create an empty model from keras.models import Sequential model = Sequential()  # Open the file with open(filename + 'report.txt','w') as fh:     # Pass the file handle in as a lambda function to make it callable     model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: fh.write(x + '\n')) 

This outputs the following lines to the file:

_________________________________________________________________ Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #    ================================================================= Total params: 0 Trainable params: 0 Non-trainable params: 0 _________________________________________________________________ 
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winni2k Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


For me, this worked to just get the model summary as a string:

stringlist = [] model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: stringlist.append(x)) short_model_summary = "\n".join(stringlist) print(short_model_summary) 
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FAnders Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
