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PathLocationStrategy vs HashLocationStrategy in web apps


What are the pros and cons of using:

  1. PathLocationStrategy - the default "HTML 5 pushState" style.
  2. HashLocationStrategy - the "hash URL" style.

for instance, using HashLocationStrategy will prevent the feature of scrolling to an element by its #ID, but some 3rd party plugins require the HashLocationStrategy or the Hashbang #! in order to work in ajax websites.

I would like to know which one offers more for a webapp.

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Murhaf Sousli Avatar asked Jan 10 '16 08:01

Murhaf Sousli

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1 Answers

# can only be processed on the client, the servers just ignore them. This can cause problems with search engines (SEO), redirects can cause redundant page reloads. This page https://github.com/browserstate/history.js/wiki/Intelligent-State-Handling has some detailed explanation, while some of the arguments don't apply for Angular applications (for example - doesn't work with JS disabled).

The "disadvantage" of HTML5 pushstate is that is requires server support like explained by Thierry.

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11

Günter Zöchbauer