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Path of Current Node in XDocument




Is it possible to get the path of the current XElement in an XDocument? For example, if I'm iterating over the nodes in a document is there some way I can get the path of that node (XElement) so that it returns something like \root\item\child\currentnode ?

like image 747
Doug Avatar asked May 05 '11 20:05


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2 Answers

There's nothing built in, but you could write your own extension method:

public static string GetPath(this XElement node)
    string path = node.Name.ToString();
    XElement currentNode = node;
    while (currentNode.Parent != null)
        currentNode = currentNode.Parent;
        path = currentNode.Name.ToString() + @"\" + path;
    return path;

XElement node = ..
string path = node.GetPath();

This doesn't account for the position of the element within its peer group though.

like image 151
BrokenGlass Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09


I know the question is old, but in case someone wants to get a simple one liner:

XElement element = GetXElement();
var xpath = string.Join ("/", element.AncestorsAndSelf().Reverse().Select(a => a.Name.LocalName).ToArray());


using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
like image 45
donatasj87 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
