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Difference between Framework.Triggers and Style.Triggers?

There are two properties of same type but exists in different classes.

  • FrameworkElement.Triggers Property
  • Style.Triggers Property

This confuses me a lot, and so I've few questions whose answer I'm looking for:

  • Why two properties of same type exist?
  • When should I use what?
  • What one can do that other cannot?
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Nawaz Avatar asked Apr 18 '11 09:04


1 Answers

As the documentation page that you've linked to in the question says:

FrameworkElement.Triggers can only contain EventTriggers and is not usually used. You cannot define (Property based) Triggers or (data-bound value based) DataTriggers with this method.

For most practical purposes, you should be using Style.Triggers or DataTemplate.Triggers or ControlTemplate.Triggers. (Sorry for adding to the confusion).

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Gishu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
