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passport google oauth on localhost

I am quite new at using passport for authentication over node, hence the lot of code snippets

my server is configured as :

var router = require('./app/config/routes');
var googleStrategy = require('./app/config/passport');
var session = require("express-session");

var passport = require('passport');
app.use(session({secret : '<secret-key>'}));

my routes are configured as

module.exports = function(app, passport) {

    app.get('/auth/google', function() {
        passport.authenticate('google', {scope: ['profile', 'email']});

    app.get('/auth/google/callback', function() {
        passport.authenticate('google', {
            successRedirect: '/profile',
            failureRedirect: '/fail'

    .... ALSO configured /profile and /fail

my passport is configured as

passport.serializeUser(function(user, callback){
        console.log('serializing user.');
        callback(null, user);

    passport.deserializeUser(function(user, callback){
       console.log('deserialize user.');
       callback(null, user);

    var processRequest = function(token, refreshToken, profile, callback){
           console.log('id : '+ profile.id);
           console.log('name :'+ profile.displayName);
           console.log('email :' + profile.emails);
           console.log('token : '+ token);

    passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({
        clientID: 'client ID',
        clientSecret : 'client SECRET',
        callbackURL : '',
        realm : ''
    }, processRequest));

Problem : on going to /auth/google , I never get a confirmation screen. What should be I looking at?

Update :

changing the routes to the configuration shown below made it work.

        passport.authenticate('google', {scope: ['profile', 'email']})

        passport.authenticate('google', {
            successRedirect: '/profile',
            failureRedirect: '/fail'
like image 843
frictionlesspulley Avatar asked Jun 22 '14 15:06


People also ask

Does passport use OAuth2?

Passport is built on top of the League OAuth2 server that is maintained by Andy Millington and Simon Hamp.

What is passport Google OAuth?

Passport strategy for Google OAuth 2.0This module lets you authenticate using Google in your Node. js applications. By plugging into Passport, Google authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.

2 Answers

Currently OAUTH2 protocol for authentication and autherization is well supported by google.So Its better to use the same . Here is google's documentation on it .Use 'passport-google-oauth' module . Here is the implementation.This should be the app objects configuration , also see that oauth2strategy object is used from passport-google-oauth module , also check out the scopes in the app.get route registration .

var googleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy;
  app.configure(function() {

    app.set('views',  './views');
    app.set('view engine', 'jade');

app.get('/auth/google', select.passport.authenticate('google',{scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me https://www.google.com/m8/feeds https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile'}));

app.get('/auth/google/callback', function() {
    passport.authenticate('google', {
        successRedirect: '/profile',
        failureRedirect: '/fail'
app.get('/logout', function (req, res) {

But before creating a new strategy go to googles developer console and get clientID and secret . Here are the steps

  1. go this link and create project , here is the snapshot of the same enter image description here
  2. give a new project name and ID , here is the snapshot enter image description here
  3. It'll roughly take a minute to create your new project , once your new project is created it'll redirect you to the application configuration of your app . In the redirected page select APIS AND AUTH -> API's , In the API's page enable the GOogle+ API , here is the snapshot of it enter image description here
  4. then go to credentials(below APIs), then click on Create New Client Id , and register the domains and callback for your app(configure the domain to be localhost ) , here is its snapshot !enter image description here 5.Then u'll get your new ID and secret . Use them to create the new Strategy

    passport.use(new googleStrategy({
        clientID: '<TheNewclientID>',
        clientSecret: '<The New Secret>',
        callbackURL: "http://locahost:8080/auth/google/callback"
    function (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
        console.log(profile); //profile contains all the personal data returned 
        done(null, profile)

6.now serialize and deserialize

passport.serializeUser(function(user, callback){
        console.log('serializing user.');
        callback(null, user.id);

passport.deserializeUser(function(user, callback){
       console.log('deserialize user.');
       callback(null, user.id);

run the server and go to localhost:8080/auth/google (dont use instead of locahost ) .This should be getting it working :)

[Other useful links: Check out the first comment by kvcrawford on the repo of the module in this page Passport-google is another popular module which is use to provide login using google , its kind of outdated now , here is the link with respect to its recent issues ]

like image 82
Karthic Rao Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10

Karthic Rao

In most examples on the web, routing code is done like this:

app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate('google'));

According to the Express Reference, callbacks of the app.get method are given three arguments, request, response and 'next'. That means, the authenticate method in the above example returns a function object and it is executed with three the arguments request, response and 'next'.

So, if you would like do authentication in the callback function of the app.get method like this:

app.get('/auth/google', function() {
    passport.authenticate('google', {scope: ['profile', 'email']});

then you should write:

app.get('/auth/google', function(request, response, next) {
    passport.authenticate('google', {scope: ['profile', 'email']})(request, response, next);
like image 37
Seiya Mizuno Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10

Seiya Mizuno