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Passport and Passport Local req.isAuthenticated always returns false

I haven't been able to track this down, but for my set up, isAuthenticated always returns false even after a successful login. Here's the passport code:

req.isAuthenticated = function() {
  var property = 'user';
  if (this._passport && this._passport.instance._userProperty) {
    property = this._passport.instance._userProperty;

  return (this[property]) ? true : false;

But in a quick look around I don't see the _userProperty proeprty anywhere in the local strategy (sorry if I didn't look hard enough), so I suppose that might be why it's always returning false?

I'd leave a code sample of my application code, but I feel it's probably easier to have a quick look at the repo for my work in progress: passport api token sessionless

Ultimately, my goal is to have logout work properly for that boilerplate project (which it currently it doesn't).

like image 876
Rob Avatar asked Feb 23 '14 02:02


People also ask

What does req isAuthenticated () do?

The “req. isAuthenticated()” function can be used to protect routes that can be accessed only after a user is logged in eg. dashboard.

How does Passport authenticate local work?

The local authentication strategy authenticates users using a username and password. The strategy requires a verify callback, which accepts these credentials and calls done providing a user.

What does Passport local mongoose do?

Passport-Local Mongoose is a Mongoose plugin that simplifies building username and password login with Passport.

What is NPM passport local?

This module lets you authenticate using a username and password in your Node. js applications. By plugging into Passport, local authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.

2 Answers

I guess you forgot to put: req.login(...) inside passport.authenticate('local', function(...){}).

See here (at the end of the page)

like image 52
nlt Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 00:01


Apologies if my original question is not that useful in the first place, but...

I found that my combination of passport, passport-local, and passport-local-mongoose, a solution was to simply create an invalidation method on my mongoose Schema (that has the passportLocalMongoose "plugged in", and when my /logout route gets hit I essentially remove that user's token. Here's that method:

Account.statics.invalidateUserToken = function(email, cb) {
    var self = this;
    this.findOne({email: email}, function(err, usr) {
        if(err || !usr) {
        usr.token = null;
        usr.save(function(err, usr) {
            if (err) {
                cb(err, null);
            } else {
                cb(false, 'removed');

I presume it's more interesting to see this in context so again please feel free to refer to the repo listed in question...hope this helps someone.

Also, if a core from one of the aformentioned libs wants to suggest a better way I'd of course love to refactor my code to make it idiomatic; if not, this approach seemed to work.

like image 40
Rob Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 01:01
