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Passing tensorDataset or Dataloader to skorch

I want to apply cross validation in Pytorch using skorch, so I prepared my model and my tensorDataset which returns (image,caption and captions_length) and so it has X and Y, so I'll not be able to set Y in the method


but when I tried that I got an error :

ValueError: Stratified CV requires explicitly passing a suitable y

Here's part of my code:

start = time.time()
net = NeuralNetClassifier(
        decoder, criterion= nn.CrossEntropyLoss,
        device='cuda',  # uncomment this to train with CUDA
net.fit(dataset, y=None)
end = time.time()
like image 253
Omar Abdelaziz Avatar asked Jun 07 '19 08:06

Omar Abdelaziz

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Creating a PyTorch Dataset and managing it with Dataloader keeps your data manageable and helps to simplify your machine learning pipeline. a Dataset stores all your data, and Dataloader is can be used to iterate through the data, manage batches, transform the data, and much more. Pandas is not essential to create a Dataset object.

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1 Answers

You are (implicitly) using the internal CV split of skorch which uses a stratified split in case of the NeuralNetClassifier which in turn needs information about the labels beforehand.

When passing X and y to fit separately this works fine since y is accessible at all times. The problem is that you are using torch.dataset.Dataset which is lazy and does not give you access to y directly, hence the error.

Your options are the following.

Set train_split=None to disable the internal CV split

net = NeuralNetClassifier(

You will lose internal validation and, as such, features like early stopping.

Split your data beforehand

Split your dataset into two datasets, dataset_train and dataset_valid, then use skorch.helper.predefined_split:

net = NeuralNetClassifier(

You lose nothing but depending on your data this might be complicated.

Extract your y and pass it to fit

y_train = np.array([y for X, y in iter(my_dataset)])
net.fit(my_dataset, y=y_train)

This only works if your y fits into memory. Since you are using TensorDataset you can also do the following to extract your y:

y_train = my_dataset.y
like image 125
nemo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
