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Passing template class as parameter

How do I pass a templated class to the constructor of another class? I am trying to pass a templated hash table class to a menu class which will allow me to then allow the user to decide the type of the hash table.

template <class T>
class OpenHash 
    vector <T> hashTab;
    vector <int> emptyCheck;
    int hashF(string);
    int hashF(int);
    int hashF(double);
    int hashF(float);
    int hashF(char); 

    int getVectorCap();
    int addRecord (T);
    int sizeHash();
    int find(T);
    int printHash();
    int deleteEntry(T);

template <class T>
OpenHash<T>::OpenHash(int vecSize)
    for (int i=0; i < emptyCheck.capacity(); i++)   
        emptyCheck.at(i) = 0;

So I have this class Open hash that is templated, because it supposed to allow for any type to be added, I have this working if initiate a object of it in my main and change input types etc.

int main () 
   cout << "Please input the size of your HashTable" << endl;
   int vecSize = 0;
   cin >> vecSize;
   cout << "Please select the type of you hash table integer, string, float, "
           "double or char." << endl;
   bool typeChosen = false; 
   string typeChoice; 
   cin >> typeChoice;
while (typeChosen == false)
    if (typeChoice == "int" || "integer" || "i")
        OpenHash<int> newTable(vecSize);
        typeChosen = true;
    else if (typeChoice == "string" || "s")
        OpenHash<string> newTable(vecSize);
       hashMenu<OpenHash> menu(newTable);
        typeChosen = true;

    else if (typeChoice == "float" || "f")
        OpenHash<float> newTable(vecSize);
        typeChosen = true; 
    else if (typeChoice == "double" || "d")
        OpenHash<double> newTable(vecSize);
        typeChosen = true;
    else if (typeChoice == "char" || "c" || "character")
        OpenHash<char> newTable(vecSize);
        typeChosen = true; 
        cout << "Incorrect type";
return 0;

In my main I want to ask the user what type they which to make the hash table. depending what they enter it should create a instance of this class with the type they want and then pass this to another class called menu which should allow them to call functions from the hash class.

like image 201
Shaun1810 Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 14:10


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1 Answers

You can use:

class Ctor {
    Ctor(const Other<int>&);    // if you know the specific type


class Ctor {
    template<class T> 
    Ctor(const Other<T>&);      // if you don't know the specific type

Live demo

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Shoe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
