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Passing single object vs. passing multiple parameters

Suppose I have the following

Class A {     Foo getFoo();     Bar getBar();     Baz getBaz(); } 

And I need to define a function doStuff that uses Foo, Bar, Baz of one object and does some stuff

I'm struggling between which method of implementing doStuff is better (suppose it would be undesirable to place doStuff inside class A)

Method A

void doStuff(Foo foo, Bar bar, Baz baz) {      //some operation } 


Method B

void doStuff(A a) {     Foo foo = a.getFoo();     Bar bar = a.getBar();     Baz baz = a.getBaz();     //some operation } 

To my limited knowledge, (+ pros, - cons)

Method A

+It is clear exactly what parameters doStuff() operates on

-Susceptible to long parameter lists and more susceptible to user mistakes

Method B

+Simple, easy to use method

+Seems more extensible (?)

-Creates unnecessary dependency towards class A

Can anyone share additional insight towards the pros and cons of these two methods?

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Rufus Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 03:04


People also ask

How do you pass multiple parameters in a method?

The * symbol is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. Typically, this syntax is used to avoid the code failing when we don't know how many arguments will be sent to the function.

Can a method accept multiple parameters?

Parameters are specified after the method name, inside the parentheses. You can add as many parameters as you want, just separate them with a comma.

How parameters are passed to an object in Java?

Java always passes parameter variables by value. Object variables in Java always point to the real object in the memory heap. A mutable object's value can be changed when it is passed to a method. An immutable object's value cannot be changed, even if it is passed a new value.

2 Answers

Method A (naked parameters) always has the advantages that

  • it requires the method author to type less, since they don't have to implement a Parameter Object,
  • it requires the method caller to type less, since they don't have to instantiate a Parameter Object
  • it performs better, since no Parameter Object has to be constructed and garbage collected
  • the reader can see what the individual parameters are from the method signature alone (but this is a double-edged sword; see below)

Method B (Parameter Object) has advantages when

  • the parameters have domain meaning as a group, so the Parameter Object can be given a name that explains that meaning, saving the reader from having to read and understand each member of the group and how they relate
  • the parameter list is used in more than one method, so using the Parameter Object in each reduces duplication
  • the values in the parameter list are passed around among multiple methods as a group, which is easier when they can be passed as a single Parameter Object
  • some combinations of values are invalid; the Parameter Object can prevent those combinations
  • some values are optional, which can be provided by the Parameter Object instead of (depending on your language) default parameter values or overloaded methods
  • there is more than one parameter of the same type, making value-swapping errors more likely (although a Parameter Object is not better in this case if it has a constructor with the same parameter list as the method)

That the Parameter Object introduces a new dependency on which caller and callee depend is not much of a disadvantage, since it is a simple class with no dependencies of its own.

So, Parameter Object is

  • almost never worthwhile for a single parameter, sometimes worthwhile for a two-parameter method (e.g. Point is usually better than x, y) and sometimes not, and increasingly helpful with three and more parameters
  • increasingly helpful when more methods use the same parameter list
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Dave Schweisguth Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Dave Schweisguth

Parameter Objects do provide a nice approach to encapsulate related parameters to reduce the total parameter count to any method or constructor. One should be very careful to make sure that the parameter objects do actually contain truly related parameters.

Actually there are multiple ways of approaching this problem depending on the parameter types you are dealing with. If you are dealing with parameters that are general types like more than one Strings or Ints and there is a potential for a client to actually pass in the wrong sequence of arguments ,it often makes more sense to create custom types ie. create enum with possible values. That can provide good compile time check for your arguments. Another good use of them is you can use them to return complex values from functions. See here.

Another approach i take a lot of times is to check and see if the work done by the doStuff method be broken down into simpler methods with less dependencies.

Principally i try to follow Bob Martin's recommendation of a maximum of three parameters. Well he actually say it should be mostly not more than one ! Any increase should have justified reasons. Refer this excellent book : Clean Code

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Som Bhattacharyya Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Som Bhattacharyya