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Passing selected value from the radio buttons to the controller in MVC

I'm trying to pass this selected radio button value from the razor view to the controller.... can someone please give me an idea how to do this?..................... My View looks like this:

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Exam"))

    @Html.Hidden("qid", Model.ID, new { @id = "id" })
                <p>@Html.RadioButton("Answer1", new { @id = 1 })  @Model.Answer1 </p>
                <p>@Html.RadioButton("Answer2", new { @id = 2 })  @Model.Answer2 </p>
                <p>@Html.RadioButton("Answer3", new { @id = 3 })  @Model.Answer3 </p>
                <p>@Html.RadioButton("Answer4", new { @id = 4 })  @Model.Answer4 </p>


    <input type="submit" value="Next" />

@using (Html.BeginForm("PrevIndex", "Exam"))

    @Html.Hidden("qid1", Model.ID, new { @id = "id1" })
    <input value="Prev" type="submit" />

My Controller looks like this:.........

 public class ExamController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            IQuestionService ser = new QuestionService();
            QuestionLoadDTO q = ser.GetIndividualQuestions(1);
            return View(q);

        public ActionResult Index(QuestionLoadDTO ques)
            int count = 0;
            count = int.Parse(Request["qid"].ToString());
            if (count <= 4)
                IQuestionService ser = new QuestionService();
                QuestionLoadDTO q = ser.GetIndividualQuestions(count);
                return View(q);
            return RedirectToAction("Submit");

        public ActionResult PrevIndex(QuestionLoadDTO ques)
            int count1 = 0;
            count1 = int.Parse(Request["qid1"].ToString());
            if (count1 < 5 || count1 >= 0)
                IQuestionService ser = new QuestionService();
                QuestionLoadDTO q = ser.GetIndividualQuestions(count1);
                return View("Index", q);
            return RedirectToAction("End");

        public ActionResult Submit()
            return View();
        public ActionResult End()
            return View();


These are the other methods:

QuestionLoadDTO IQuestionService.GetIndividualQuestions(int index)
    IQuestionData ser = new QuestionRepository();           

    QuestionLoadDTO q = ser.GetIndividualQues(index);

    return q;
public QuestionLoadDTO GetIndividualQues(int index)
    Context con = new Context();
    Question question = con.Questions.Find(index);//Where(e => e.ID == index).FirstOrDefault();
    QuestionLoadDTO dto = new QuestionLoadDTO()
        ID = question.ID,
        QuestionDes = question.QuestionDes,
        Answer1 = question.Answer1,
        Answer2 = question.Answer2,
        Answer3 = question.Answer3,
        Answer4 = question.Answer4

    return dto;

Thank you!!!!

like image 218
Dayan Avatar asked Dec 30 '14 05:12


People also ask

How pass data from model to controller in MVC?

In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controllers folder and then click Add, then Controller. In the Add Scaffold dialog box, click MVC 5 Controller with views, using Entity Framework, and then click Add. Select Movie (MvcMovie. Models) for the Model class.

How can get radio button value in jquery in MVC?

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1 Answers

Add property:

public string SelectedAnswer { get; set; }

Add in view:

@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedAnswer, "Answer1")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedAnswer, "Answer2")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedAnswer, "Answer3")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedAnswer, "Answer4")

In controller it postback the value according to selected radio button... i.e. either Answer1, or Answer2, etc.

like image 130
Mahesh Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
