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Passing integers as constant references versus copying



This might be a stupid question, but I notice that in a good number of APIs, a lot of method signatures that take integer parameters that aren't intended to be modified look like:

void method(int x);

rather than:

void method(const int &x);

To me, it looks like both of these would function exactly the same. (EDIT: apparently not in some cases, see answer by R Samuel Klatchko) In the former, the value is copied and thus can't change the original. In the latter, a constant reference is passed, so the original can't be changed.

What I want to know is why one over the other - is it because the performance is basically the same or even better with the former? e.g. passing a 16-bit value or 32-bit value rather than a 32-bit or 64-bit address? This was the only logical reason I could think of, I just want to know if this is correct, and if not, why and when one should prefer int x over const int &x and vice versa.

like image 593
Jake Petroules Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 20:06

Jake Petroules

People also ask

What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by const reference?

From what I understand: when you pass by value, the function makes a local copy of the passed argument and uses that; when the function ends, it goes out of scope. When you pass by const reference, the function uses a reference to the passed argument that can't be modified.

Is it better to pass by reference?

2) For passing large sized arguments: If an argument is large, passing by reference (or pointer) is more efficient because only an address is really passed, not the entire object.

Does const reference make a copy?

Not just a copy; it is also a const copy. So you cannot modify it, invoke any non-const members from it, or pass it as a non-const parameter to any function. If you want a modifiable copy, lose the const decl on protos .

What does pass by const reference mean?

Passing By Reference To Const in C++ Passing By Reference To Const in C++ C++ is an example of a message-passing paradigm language, which means that objects and values are passed to functions, which then return further objects and values based on the input data.

2 Answers

It's not just the cost of passing a pointer (that's essentially what a reference is), but also the de-referencing in the called method's body to retrieve the underlying value.

That's why passing an int by value will be virtually guaranteed to be faster (Also, the compiler can optimize and simply pass the int via processor registers, eliminating the need to push it onto the stack).

like image 113
Tony the Pony Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Tony the Pony

To me, it looks like both of these would function exactly the same.

It depends on exactly what the reference is to. Here is an admittedly made up example that would change based on whether you pass a reference or a value:

static int global_value = 0;  int doit(int x) {     ++global_value;     return x + 1; }  int main() {     return doit(global_value); } 

This code will behave differently depending on whether you have int doit(int) or int doit(const int &)

like image 24
R Samuel Klatchko Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

R Samuel Klatchko