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Passing conditional parameter in Inno Setup



I am new to Inno Setup and I have already read the documentation. Now I know that Inno Setup can accept different/custom parameter and could be processed via Pascal script. But the problem is, I don't know how to write in Pascal.

I am hoping I could get help about the coding.

I'd like to pass /NOSTART parameter to my setup file which while tell the setup to disable(uncheck) the check mark on "Launch " and if /NOSTART is not provided, it it will enable(check) the check mark "Launch "

enter image description here

or if possible, that Launch page is not required and do everything via code.

like image 574
Jayson Ragasa Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 11:01

Jayson Ragasa

1 Answers

Since you can't imperatively modify flags for section entries and directly accessing the RunList would be quite a dirty workaround, I'm using for this two postinstall entries, while one has no unchecked flag specified and the second one has. So, the first entry represents the checked launch check box and the second one unchecked launch check box. Which one is used is controlled by the Check parameter function, where is checked if a command line tail contains /NOSTART parameter.

Also, I've used a little more straightforward function for determining if a certain parameter is contained in the command line tail. It uses the CompareText function to compare text in a case insensitive way. You can replace it with CompareStr function, if you want to compare the parameter text in a case sensitive way. Here is the script:

AppName=My Program
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output

Filename: "calc.exe"; Description: "Launch calculator"; \
    Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent; Check: LaunchChecked
Filename: "calc.exe"; Description: "Launch calculator"; \
    Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent unchecked; Check: not LaunchChecked
function CmdLineParamExists(const Value: string): Boolean;
  I: Integer;  
  Result := False;
  for I := 1 to ParamCount do
    if CompareText(ParamStr(I), Value) = 0 then
      Result := True;

function LaunchChecked: Boolean;
  Result := not CmdLineParamExists('/NOSTART');
like image 151
TLama Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 20:01
