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passing base64 image string in xml tag

I tried this code, but it is not working. Any suggestions or any solutions for above issue for sending base64 string in xml tag. I have searching lot of about base64 string passing to java server using this xml tags(i.e. xml parsing) but not get any results.

function fileSelectedForLogo() {
    var oFile = document.getElementById('image_file').files[0];
	if(oFile.size/1024 <= 50){
    var oImage = document.getElementById('preview');
    var oReader = new FileReader();
	 oReader.onload = function(e){
        oImage.src = e.target.result;
		var resultStr = oImage.src;
		var result = resultStr.split(",");
		alert(" Please Upload Less 50 KB ")

function creatingXMLRequest(){
      var Name =	$('#Name').val();
      var logoImage		=  $('#LogoImageKey').val();
      var xml="<Request>" +
               "<Data>" +
               "</Data>" +

function ifValueInsert(value , tagName)
	alert(value+" == "+tagName)
	if(value!=undefined && value!='' && value!=null)
		return "<"+tagName+">"+value+"</"+tagName+">";
	return "";
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="hidden" id="LogoImageKey" value="" />
    <label id="lblupload">Image Upload:</label>
    <input id="image_file" type="file" onChange="fileSelectedForLogo();" />
<input type="button" onClick="creatingXMLRequest();" value="Submit" />
like image 885
kks Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 07:06


1 Answers

Your code contains quite some errors. I annotated some of them:

  • alert($('#LogoImageKey').val()) in fileSelectedForLogo: here you are trying to access $('#LogoImageKey').val() before it was actually set. In fact this attribute is set in the oReader.onload callback that is only called after oReader.readAsDataURL(oFile)
  • document.getElementById('preview') in fileSelectedForLogo: you are looking for an element that is not defined (at least in your html snippet)
  • $('#Name').val() again an element that is not defined (at least in your html snippet)

Here is the working code. I took the liberty to add a missing elements as well as a div to contain the base64 representation of the image (and removed a couple of alerts). I kept you base structure (even though it could benefit some serious refactoring) so that you better understand what changed.

function fileSelectedForLogo() {
  var oFile = document.getElementById('image_file').files[0];
  if(oFile.size/1024 <= 50){
    var oReader = new FileReader();
    oReader.onload = function(e){
      var resultStr = e.target.result;
      var result = resultStr.split(",");
      $('#preview').attr("src", e.target.result);
  } else {
    alert(" Please Upload Less 50 KB ")

function encodeXML(str) {
  return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
    .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
    .replace(/'/g, '&apos;');

function creatingXMLRequest(){
  var Name = $('#Name').val();
  var logoImage = $('#LogoImageKey').val();

  var xml="<Request>" +
    "<Data>" +
    "</Data>" +

function ifValueInsert(value , tagName) {
  //alert(value+" == "+tagName)
  console.log(value+" == "+tagName);
  if(value!=undefined && value!='' && value!=null) {
    return "<"+tagName+">"+encodeXML(value)+"</"+tagName+">";
  return "";
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <input type="hidden" id="LogoImageKey" value="" />
  <label id="name-upload">Logo Name:</label>
  <input id="Name" type="text" value="" />
  <label id="lblupload">Image Upload:</label>
  <input id="image_file" type="file" onChange="fileSelectedForLogo();" />
  <input type="button" onClick="creatingXMLRequest();" value="Submit" />
  <img id="preview" src="" />
  <div id="base64" />

Some general remarks:

  • Before appending data to an XML you should escape special characters <, >, ", & (this is what function encodeXML does)
  • For consistency reasons avoid mixing javascript's getElementById and jQuery selectors (e.g. $("#foo"))
  • Again for consistency, choose a naming convention and stick with it. For instance with elements ids choose either camel casestrings, underscore-separated strings or dash-separated ones but avoid mixing them
  • Avoid debugging your javascript code using alerts. Rather use the interactive javascript development console that almost any browser now offers and log debug information there (e.g. console.log(xml))
  • Remember that a base64 image occupies around 4/3 times more memory than the original
like image 83
mziccard Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
