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Pass variables to Ruby script via command line

Something like this:

ARGV.each do|a|
  puts "Argument: #{a}"


$ ./test.rb "test1 test2"


v1 = ARGV[0]
v2 = ARGV[1]
puts v1       #prints test1
puts v2       #prints test2

Don't reinvent the wheel; check out Ruby's way-cool OptionParser library.

It offers parsing of flags/switches, parameters with optional or required values, can parse lists of parameters into a single option and can generate your help for you.

Also, if any of your information being passed in is pretty static, that doesn't change between runs, put it into a YAML file that gets parsed. That way you can have things that change every time on the command-line, and things that change occasionally configured outside your code. That separation of data and code is nice for maintenance.

Here are some samples to play with:

require 'optparse'
require 'yaml'

options = {}
OptionParser.new do |opts|
  opts.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"

  opts.on('-n', '--sourcename NAME', 'Source name') { |v| options[:source_name] = v }
  opts.on('-h', '--sourcehost HOST', 'Source host') { |v| options[:source_host] = v }
  opts.on('-p', '--sourceport PORT', 'Source port') { |v| options[:source_port] = v }


dest_options = YAML.load_file('destination_config.yaml')
puts dest_options['dest_name']

This is a sample YAML file if your destinations are pretty static:

dest_name: [email protected]
dest_host: imap.gmail.com
dest_port: 993
dest_ssl: true
dest_user: [email protected]
dest_pass: password

This will let you easily generate a YAML file:

require 'yaml'

yaml = {
  'dest_name' => '[email protected]',
  'dest_host' => 'imap.gmail.com',
  'dest_port' => 993,
  'dest_ssl'  => true,
  'dest_user' => '[email protected]',
  'dest_pass' => 'password'

puts YAML.dump(yaml)

Unfortunately, Ruby does not support such passing mechanism as e.g. AWK:

> awk -v a=1 'BEGIN {print a}'
> 1

It means you cannot pass named values into your script directly.

Using cmd options may help:

> ruby script.rb val_0 val_1 val_2

# script.rb
puts ARGV[0] # => val_0
puts ARGV[1] # => val_1
puts ARGV[2] # => val_2

Ruby stores all cmd arguments in the ARGV array, the scriptname itself can be captured using the $PROGRAM_NAME variable.

The obvious disadvantage is that you depend on the order of values.

If you need only Boolean switches use the option -s of the Ruby interpreter:

> ruby -s -e 'puts "So do I!" if $agreed' -- -agreed
> So do I!

Please note the -- switch, otherwise Ruby will complain about a nonexistent option -agreed, so pass it as a switch to your cmd invokation. You don't need it in the following case:

> ruby -s script_with_switches.rb -agreed
> So do I!

The disadvantage is that you mess with global variables and have only logical true/false values.

You can access values from environment variables:

> FIRST_NAME='Andy Warhol' ruby -e 'puts ENV["FIRST_NAME"]'
> Andy Warhol

Drawbacks are present here to, you have to set all the variables before the script invocation (only for your ruby process) or to export them (shells like BASH):

> export FIRST_NAME='Andy Warhol'
> ruby -e 'puts ENV["FIRST_NAME"]'

In the latter case, your data will be readable for everybody in the same shell session and for all subprocesses, which can be a serious security implication.

And at least you can implement an option parser using getoptlong and optparse.

Happy hacking!

You can also try out cliqr. Its pretty new and in active development. But there are stable releases ready to be used. Here is the git repo: https://github.com/anshulverma/cliqr

Look into the example folder to get an idea on how it can be used.


I know this is old, but getoptlong wasn't mentioned here and it's probably the best way to parse command line arguments today.

Parsing command line arguments

I strongly recommend getoptlong. It's pretty easy to use and works like a charm. Here is an example extracted from the link above

require 'getoptlong'

opts = GetoptLong.new(
    [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
    [ '--repeat', '-n', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
    [ '--name', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ]

dir = nil
name = nil
repetitions = 1
opts.each do |opt, arg|
    case opt
        when '--help'
            puts <<-EOF
hello [OPTION] ... DIR

-h, --help:
     show help

--repeat x, -n x:
     repeat x times

--name [name]:
     greet user by name, if name not supplied default is John

DIR: The directory in which to issue the greeting.
        when '--repeat'
            repetitions = arg.to_i
        when '--name'
            if arg == ''
                name = 'John'
                name = arg

if ARGV.length != 1
    puts "Missing dir argument (try --help)"
    exit 0

dir = ARGV.shift

for i in (1..repetitions)
    print "Hello"
    if name
        print ", #{name}"

You can call it like this ruby hello.rb -n 6 --name -- /tmp

What OP is trying to do

In this case I think the best option is to use YAML files as suggested in this answer