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Pass variables from python file to robot framework variables

I am assigning variables in robot framework as

*** Variables ***
${TestNAME}                       test

But can I pass variable value from python file?

var = 'test'

Is it possible to assign var to ${TESTNAME}?

like image 528
user2661518 Avatar asked Dec 22 '15 23:12


1 Answers

If you have a file named "test.py" that has variables defined in it, you can import the variables using the robot variable file feature.

Here's an example, using the pipe-separated format for clarity:

*** Settings ***
| Variables | test.py

*** Variables ***
| ${myTestName} | ${var}

This works because settings are processed before the Variables table. Any variables in the python file can be referenced using the standard robot syntax for variables (eg: python variable var is referenced as ${var})

Note, however, that ${Testname} is automatically set by robot, so your exact requirement can't be met. If you use a non-automatic variable, you can set it the way you want, which is why the above example used ${myTestName}.

like image 116
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Bryan Oakley