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Matplotlib - How to add multiple lines text box when using $ sign in the line I want to display?

I need to plot r squared and power law equation in two separate lines in a text box in a figure, but I can't use the '$a=3$\n$b=2$ as I already have $ sign in my code. So whenever I try to add the '& \ &' it does not work.



How can I display these in two lines in a box on a figure?


like image 837
Tereza Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 11:11


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2 Answers

I'm not sure what the problem is here. If you add those two stings together with a \n in the middle, it works for me:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


fig,ax = plt.subplots()

t='y='+str(round(m,3))+'x$^{'+str(round(j,3))+'}$\n r$^{2}$=0.95'


enter image description here

Alternatively, you can do this with string formatting:

t='y={:0}x$^{{{:1}}}$ \n r$^{{2}}$=0.95'.format(m,j)

Note the single braces {:0} for the format strings, and double braces {{2}} for the latex code (and therefore triple braces when you have a format string inside some latex code {{{:1}}}

like image 28
tmdavison Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10


In case the OP wanted this:

enter image description here

Here's the code:


import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot

matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) #use latex for text

# add amsmath to the preamble

# data:
m, j = 5.3421, 2.6432

# insert a multiline latex expression

    r'\[' # every line is a separate raw string...
    r'\begin{split}' # ...but they are all concatenated by the interpreter :-)
    r'    y      &= ' + str(round(m,3)) + 'x^{' + str(round(j,3)) + r'}\\'
    r'    r^2    &= 0.95 '

    size=50) # make it big so we can see it

like image 193
Adobe Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
